Chapter 5

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SURRY for any spelling shizzz


"You have reached your destination."

Gabriel looks down at Sam who is sprawled out across the front seat of his car, head in Gabes lap. He considers not waking the teen, just let him rest a bit longer, but the front door swings open.

The man Gabriel seen Sam with on the first day of college stares at him with a hardened expression. Just then does he realize that the other guy can't see Sam so he just seems like a creep in their driveway.

"Hey," he lightly shakes his friend as Dean nears closer. "W–Where are we?"


"Dean." Sam quickly gets out of the car and wraps his arms around his brother. Gabe watches awkwardly from the car, his mind debates whether Dean is family or something more. "How are you?" The younger Winchester asks. "Who's this?" He changes the subject.

"Oh," Sam sniffs, "This is my friend Gabriel. Gabe, this is my brother Dean."

Brother. The word relaxes Gabriel and he lightly smiles.


"I'll stay in a hotel, it's no problem."

"No. You ca–"

"Samster, you guys have a lot going on. I don't want to intrude."

Sam catches his hand, his eyes pleading and watery, "Stay. Please."

"Yeah..okay," he says softly. Gabriel wraps his arms around Sam again. It's surprising how unbelievably comforting his arms are to the younger man, how his touch makes this moment bearable somehow.

Ruining the moment, Gabriels phone begins to ring. Sam wipes his eyes and let's his gaze drop to the floor, "Answer it."

He sighs and takes the phone out of his pocket, turning it all the way off, "No."

Sam does a small thankful smile and despite all the sleeping he's been doing, he's still tired. Drained. The older boy had to drive fifteen hours today, so he couldn't agree more.

Since he was already on the edge of his friends bed, he lays down, his legs dangling off.

"You can lay up here," Sam whispers, hardly audible.

Sam curls into Gabes touch and he tenses but has no intention to move away. A few minutes pass and Sam's breathing evens out, making Gabriel a lot less nervous. He relaxes and places a hand in Sam's hair, running his hand through it, feeling awful for his friend.


"I'm awake," he croaks, keeping his eyes closed. The rising and falling of Gabriels chest gives him something else to focus on. "Do you wanna get up, maybe eat some breakfast."

"Not yet," Sam scoots closer, burying himself further into Gabe. Unsure of what to do with his hands, Gabe holds them up so they're hovering over Sam's back.

Silently, the door cracks open and Deans head pokes in. He nods at Gabriel with a sad 'thank you' smile and leaves.

"Maybe you should go see how your brother is," he suggest. "'re probably right."

"How'd it go with Dean this afternoon?" Gabe questions while climbing through the window and on to the roof. "Fine," he shrugs, taking a swig of his beer. "You don't have to lie to me."

"He just–he pretends everything's okay when it's not!" Sam snaps then shakes his head at himself, "I'm sorry..I'm just–"

"I get it," Gabriel assures, scooting next to Sam and mimicking his sitting position; legs propped up and hands resting on their legs.

"Why?" The younger teen asks after a long silence. "Why what?"

"Why did you come with me?"

"Because I saw how–how upset you were and the only thing I could think is, I can't stand seeing him like his, and I didn't know what to do.."

"So it was out of pitty."

"No! Sam," his voice drops, "No. I came because if I didn't then I'd worry about you and it would have drove me crazy." Sam turns to face Gabriel, the moon light reflecting his glossed over eyes. Sam leans in, their lips ghosting over each other. Gabes heart begins to pound as their mouth stay a hairs thickness apart. "Thank you," Sam breaths, his warm breath making the older boys cheek tingle.

Finally, Gabe finds the strength to turn away. As much as he wants to kiss Sam, he has a girlfriend.

"I'm sorry," Sam apologizes. "For what?"

He shakes his head again, but what he wants to say is, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for having these feelings and for coming in between you and your girlfriend. I'm sorry I took an interest in you during high school and couldn't help but becoming friends in college. I'm sorry you are here comforting me. I'm sorry that you're here in general with me, almost being kissed. I'm sorry you had to come in the first place. I'm just so sorry. He smiles through the pain when Gabe puts an arm around him, letting Sam rest his head on his shoulder.

"You have nothing to be sorry for Samster."

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