Chapter 4

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Sam and Gabe have been spending quite a bit of time with each other for the past three weeks. They got closer, a lot closer. Jess admitted to having feeling for Sam, driving Gabe absolutely mad and Kali hating the attention he gives to the younger man.

And for Gabriels favorite hour of the day, English. He sits in his and Sam's usual spot, second row back and all the way to the left. He checks behind him at the door..but Sam never comes.

Sitting for over a hour and impatiently tapping his pencil the whole time, class ends.

"You need to get here NOW. Dinner his in forty five minutes!"

"Thanks, I didn't hear you the first three-thousand times you told me this week. I'll be there soon, I just have something to do first," Gabriel roles his eyes at Kali. "What could possibly be more important than this?"

"I'll be there eventually."

He hangs up as soon as he reaches Sam's dorm, typically he wouldn't knock, but he's not for sure if Sam is here. When there's no response, he twists the knob and it's unlocked so he peeks his head inside.

"Samsquatch?" He rushes to the teen with his knees tucked to his chest in the corner of his bed. Sam only shakes his head and hides his face further. "Come here," Gabe opens his arms as soon as he sits down. Sam tucks his face into his friends chest but still refuses to speak.

"Please, I can't help if I don't know what's going on."

"He's go–gone," Sam chokes out. "What? Who?"

"My uncle." His quiet sobs are muffled by the fabric of Gabes shirt. He feels his own eyes well with tears but he refuses to let them fall, he has to be strong for Sam. "It's gonna be okay," he soothes, running a hand through Sam's hair.

"I–I'm leaving tonight with my br–brother and I won't be back for four days."

Gabe sighs, reaching over Sam, "Give me your phone."

As much as he would love to protest, he sniffles and hands it to him without question.

Sammy: A friends bringing me down. Stay put.

"Pack. Okay? I'll be back in twenty minutes and we'll hit the road."

"Wh–what are you talking about?" Sam's voice is quiet, broken. "Your family has enough going on, I'll take you down there. It's no problem."


"Do you realize that we have to be there in eight minutes and it's almost a twenty minute drive!!" Kali screams as soon as he steps foot in his apartment. "Yeah..about that, I can't go."

"Excuse me?"

"Family crisis," he waves her off and starts throwing clothes into a suitcase. "You don't speak with your family. Mine on the other hand, are expecting us to be at their dinner."

"I didn't say my family. And I know, I know, but I have to go."

"You're unbelievable, you know that? It's Sam, isn't it? The one you're up and leaving for all of a sudden," she crosses her arms, burning a hole in the side of his head. "You know what? Yeah, it is! I don't know why you have such a problem with him, but honestly sweetheart, I could care less."

"I can't believe you. You might as well date him."

"You kn–I can't do this right now. I gotta go," Gabe moves passed Kali and rushes back to Sam.


"You ready, Sambo?" He asks softly. "Uh," he clears his throat and wipes his cheeks, "Yeah."

"Sam," Gabriel says just barley audible once their in front of his car, lightly turning the taller teen to him. Sam immediately reacts to the hug and let's more hot tears stream down his face, into the crook up Gabes neck. "I-I'm sorry."

"You don't need to apologize," Gabe assures and reluctantly pulls away so they can get going.

Sam puts his address in the GPS and places his head against the window.

Sunlight falls to moonlight and around one in the morning, Gabe stops at a hotel for a few hours of sleep.

In the middle of the night he wakes to the sound of Sam's cries that erupt from the other bed. "Sam," he whispers, rubbing his eyes. The Winchester whimpers and flips over, exposing his still sleeping state.

He throws the covers off himself and stands unsteadily, placing a hand on Sam's shoulder. "G–Gabe?"

"Yeah. It's me," he whispers softly.

Although the other man is still sleeping, he moves over. Gabriel sighs and lays next to him and much to his relief, Sam stops crying.

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