Chapter 24

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Gabriel breaks away, letting his hand slide down Sam's face before taking it back. "God fuc–damnit," he mumbles to himself sourly.

Sam opens his mouth, quickly cut off by Gabe. "Samster..before you say anything..I can't, okay? I want to, believe me I want to. But I do need you–I just..I don't know how to be only friends with you."

Sam thinks long and hard before responding, "We could try–to be friends I mean. What's the harm in trying?"

"What's the h–"

"Gabriel! We need you out here now!" A staff member yells. "I'll be out in a minute!" He shouts back, shaking his head, "The harm? What if we can't make it work? We'll only be forced to avoid each other again."

"It can't be that hard. Friends?" Sam sticks his hand out. "Friends," Gabe sighs, shaking his hand.


"You seem to be a big hit," the teen comments, making his way back from some other paintings. He shrugs, "I guess."

"So what are your plans for after this?"

"I don't have any. Why?"

"Wanna go get dinner, I haven't really eaten all day." Gabe raises a questioning eyebrow at him. "What? We can't eat food as friends?"

"I didn't say that," he barks back, eyes hardening. "Whats gotten into you?" Sams tone is suddenly accusing with a raise of the other mans voice. "Me? What the hells gotten into you? I'm not the one inviting my exes out." Sam scoffs in disbelief, turning away for a second as he runs a hand over his mouth.

Gabriel can't help but frown at himself for being defensive over nothing. Being around Sam and not being able to touch him just drives him mad, not to mention someone offered him a lot of money for the painting but he couldn't let it go.

"Wait, Sam..I'm a dick. Dinner sounds great."

"You sure?" There's still a little bite in his sentence but Gabe ignores it. "Yeah. I'll be done in forty minutes."

"Okay, I'm just gonna," he runs a hand through his brown hair, "Look around a little more. I'll meet you back here?"

"Yeah. Okay."

"Are you forgetting I can drink in public? That magic twenty one," Gabe snickers, sipping his martini, already a bit tipsy. "Yeah, yeah," Sam waves him off. Gabriel checks his surroundings before grabbing an empty cup and dumping some of his drink in it, handing it to Sam while pressing his own glass to his lips.

The teen sips at his, fearing that everyone in the small restaurant knows he has alcohol. Meanwhile, the older man downs countless cups. "Dance with me," he whines, pulling Sam from his seat before he has time to set his beverage down, spilling some as he's being dragged away.

The restaurant seems a lot smaller when they reach the dance floor, everyone crowded in a corner, a good portion of them drunk, including Gabriel. Sam sucks in a sharp breath as someone bumps into him, knocking him off balance and into someone else. "Gabe, I don't wanna-"

"Just ignore 'em. Pretend it's just you and me."

He gulps and Gabriels eyes narrow, full of mischief, a smirk playing off his lips. Their bodies are pushed together, grinding and wandering hands on the golden-haired mans part. The Winchester never takes his eyes off him though, forgetting he's smashed between strangers.

Gabriel leans forward, whispering something in Sams ear that he would never dare repeat.


Sam tips his head back, letting his heart rate return to normal as he shakes his head, now facing the sweaty man beside him in bed, "So about that friend thing."

"Shut up," Gabe groans, tugging the blanket so it's covering up to his waist, refusing to face the teen. "You know you don't regret it," Sams cocky side pokes out and he kisses Gabriels neck a couple of times, then gets up to use the bathroom.

"You okay?" Sam asks as he re-enters the bedroom, observing his ex. He had sat up, facing away from the door, staring blankly at the wall, "I don't know what I'm doing." He sighs and takes a seat next to him. "Look..I know what you said about us trying again..but maybe we should," he suggests. "Sa-"

"Just hear me out, okay?" Instead of waiting for a response, Sam turns to face him and starts talking. "You never let me explain what happened and I wasn't ready to, but I am now. This past month has been hell without you, I know you feel the same way." Gabe doesn't move, Sam's far from wrong and this might be the one chance he gives the teen to explain himself considering they just had sex because of the Novak.

"I-I was getting these messages. I didn't know who they were from, I still don't, but they were threatening you. At first I ignored them but..they started taking pictures of you and I felt like all eyes were always on us. They knew everything we did, everywhere we went..and I guess I just freaked. I started listening to them. T-"

"And you didn't think to take it to the police!?" Gabe finally intervenes. "Of course I did! They used burners, the cops couldn't track any of it!"

They both take a second to breath. "They said if I didn't leave the hospital they were going to kill you or worse, and I believed them when they said they would revile who they were," he shakes his head at himself, hands in his lap. "Anyway, they had a picture of your room number, I didn't know you were already out of the hospital," Sams voice is now soft, "I was told to kiss her, I would never cheat on you Gabe..I love you."

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