Chapter 31

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Both men walk absently around the nearest grocery store, in search of something to eat. They find themselves in every isle, staring at the unappetizing canned, boxed, and bagged food.

"I think I saw some new pop tarts a few isles back," Gabriel mutters, slowly turning to head back to them. "We're not eating pop tarts for dinner," Sam intervenes. "Fine," Gabe mumbles, "There was also some cereal—"

"No breakfast items for dinner—actually never mind. That's a great idea," Sam gets an idea all of a sudden, far from what the shorter male is thinking. "We can get eggs, waffles, hash brown, maybe some turkey bacon," he rambles slightly. Gabriel glares, currently in his state that Sam likes to call hangry. "Pass."

"Gabriel," Sam huffs, "You never think my ideas are good, but you eat, don't you?"

"Why don't you try being open to new ideas?" Gabe pouts back, crossing both arms over his chest. "I've had pop tarts and I don't like them," Sam argues, "So it's your turn to try new ideas." Gabriel smirks. Sam's eyes narrow, that means he's thought of something, and not even god could know where that mind wanders when he's let to think for even a brief second. "Compromise?" The shorter male questions, tipping his chin up slightly. Sam's eyes continue to narrow in suspicion, and a little bit of curiosity, so he also folds his arms, awaiting his boyfriends case.

"I'll eat all your stupid meals–whatever you want–for a week. A week."

"But?" Sam cuts in before Gabe can explain. Gabes face sculpts into a mischievous. "But," he holds up his index finger, "You have to try something new." Just by the older males expression, Sam knows he already has something cooking up, if not already done and steaming away. "Got anything in mind?" Sam grins, checking his surroundings before pulling Gabriel flush against him, his dislike for PDA being overwritten at the moment. "You have to let me pick out sex toys," he pauses, visibly seeing the Winchesters pupils dilate, "and we have to use them."

"Oh," Sam says back in a low voice, "Well I'm not sure who's going to enjoy this more, me..or you."

"Oh Sammich!" Gabriel sings from the door, just getting back from class and work, "Guess what came in the male today!"

"Already? Didn't you order them yesterday?" Sam cocks an eyebrow, currently cooking one of his heathy meals that the two made a deal on. "Charlie let me use her Amazon Prime," he grins, "It was important."

"You made a deal with her too?" Sam chuckles, stirring the spinach that's on low heat. "She only wants pictures," he shrugs back, setting his keys on the table and tossing the boxes next to Sam. "Gabe!" Sam blushes, "No!"

"Woah, of what I bought," he cringes, the thought alone making him shiver. Sam pushes the thought back, averting his attention to the unopened presents next to him. "Aren't you going to open them?"

"Me?" Gabriel strips from his jacket, wrapping his arms around the taller male from behind, "Nope, that's all for you. I know what we got. So," he grins, standing on his toes to kiss Sam's neck, "Get a move on so we can get started."

"Mm, tempting. But we're eating first." Gabe groans and turns the other male around, tugging down at the light sweater Sam is wearing to connect their lips. Sam laughs softly into the kiss, wrapping his lengthy arms around Gabriel. "It's cold in here," Gabe mumbles, pulling Sam closer in their hug. "Here," Sam shrugs out of his sweater and puts in on the shorter male, "Turn down the a.c."

"I think we should keep it cold, it'll be heated soon enough," Gabe smirks and zips up the the sweater. Sam sighs, lifting Gabe suddenly and placing him on the counter top. "I love you." You'd think after all this time the phase would become a casual thing to say, yet every time Gabriel feels his heart flutter. "Your foods going to burn," Gabe says through a reddened blush. "I don't care, you won't eat it anyway," Sam shrugs, nipping carelessly at Gabes exposed neck because of the overly large clothing. Gabriel bites his bottom lip, tipping his head to allow better access, his hands moving into Sam's hair. "Mm, Sam," Gabe breathes, "I-I thought we were waiting." The Winchester begins sucking gently in the same spot, moving up and across his jaw before cupping Gabriel's cheek and pushing into a deep kiss, their bodies pressed together. "I'm just teasing you," Sam whispers back finally, leaving Gabe on the counter alone to tend to their dinner. "N-n-no," the Novak protests, "You get back here and finish what you started."

Sam discreetly switches the burner to off, pretending that he's still preparing the food. "Don't make me beg," Gabe pleads desperately. "You want a preview of what's to come baby?" Sam coos in a bit of a mocking way, but god does it turn Gabe on for some reason. "Get the fuck over here," he frowns. Sam smirks slightly, obliging to his boyfriends needs. "What?" Sam then questions innocently, his hand trailing down Gabriel's thigh. "Sammich," Gabe groans, his eyes closing and his head resting against the cupboard behind him. "Just tell me what I want to hear," Sam whispers lowly as he begins nibbling on Gabes earlobe, hands wandering elsewhere. "Fucking hell–I love you too. God, I love you and you know it."

"Trust me, I know," Sam smiles. He adverts his attention to the bulge in the front of Gabriel's jeans, his fingers grazing over top of it and down the side as he goes back to Gabes neck. Doing everything that he knows the older male loves. With Gabes lips pressed in a tight line, a quiet moan finds its way around the barrier.

"Lets see what we got." Sam pulls away, reaching for a knife behind Gabe. Gabe whimpers at the loss of contact, confused by what Sam means, his mind already gone at this point. Sam slits the tape, practically ripping the box open and grabbing whatever's on top. He lets out a low laugh, handcuffs dangling from two of his fingers. "Oh, this is going to be fun."

Sam throws Gabriel back onto their bed, quickly crawling over him and discarding the sweater, a t-shirt soon followed. Before Gabe even blinks, he has his hands cuffed and pinned above him. "Stay." Sam reaches off the bed for chocolate that came in a very suggestive tube. He strings a line over Gabes bare stomach, licking it off seconds later. Sam's body grinds over Gabriel's, his chocolate mouth connecting with the pink one. Sam pulls back slightly, giving Gabe the chance to suck off the access sweets.

Gabe impatiently tosses his bound arms forward for any sort of contact or pleasure but is denied with a strong grip. "I thought I told you to stay." Sam's voice is deeper than usual, the meer sound making Gabe want to do everything the younger male says; he only nods, allowing Sam to put them back. "Good," the teen gives a crooked smile.

Sam moves himself down, taking his time to undo the other males pants. It takes everything in Gabe not to buck his hips or to flip over. Sam sits to his knees and pulls his shirt over his head, waisting no time to grab the edible lube.

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