Chapter 37

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Honestly, there's no excuse. I'm just a mess. My devotion to updating is nonexistent during school.

Here's a chapter I literally wrote two months ago, don't know why I never published it but 🤷🏼‍♀️.


"I have to go to class," Sam announces, peeking into the bedroom. Gabriel had buried himself into the bed, wallowing in guilt that he knew would only grow throughout the day. "Gabe," Sam then says softly, sitting on the edge of the bed and rubbing the other mans cheek with the pad of his thumb, "It wasn't your fault." He sits up abruptly, throwing his arms around the taller boy, digging his face into the crook of his neck to, hopefully, hide his damp eyes. Sam leans into the touch, putting a strong embrace around his boyfriend and kissing his shoulder.

"Please say something, so I know you're okay."

"I love you," Gabe whispers, his warm breath roaming the Winchester neck and down his back, making him shiver. Something just feels off to him, something about Gabriel.

"I have to go. I'll be back later, okay?"

"Yeah..okay," Gabe gulps, he would kill for later not to come, because he knows what's going to happen..what's going to come. The Novak feels a his stomach twist up in knots.

"Wait," he calls out, quickly running to Sam at the door. Sam turns in time to nearly be tackled by Gabe, connecting with a 'humph'. "What are you–"

Gabriel can't bare to talk now, to bring their fate any sooner than it already is, so he cuts Sam off by pushing their lips together, the kiss slow, sad. He finally pulls back and closes his eyes, their foreheads resting against each other.

"I'm sorry," Gabe says, hardly audible to either of them. Sam just pecks him one last time, he doesn't know what Gabe would be sorry for, not yet at least.

Sam licks his chapped lips, sighing to himself before unlocking his dorm. "G–Gabe?" He stammers, unclear on how Gabriel could have known that he was going to stop by the dorm after classes.

They stand in the silence, something lingering between them that Sam can't pinpoint.

"We can't Sam—I can't. Not anymore," Gabriel whimpers out, hearing the words travel through the silent room.

"Stop messing around," Sam brushes off, but he knows. He can hear it, he's been feeling it from Gabe. "Please Sam," Gabes shaky voice pleads, "Don't make this hard." Breaking up with the teen is already taring him apart, he can't force it, not without breaking something inside of himself beyond return.

Sam stares down at his feet, his gut telling him not to get angry, that something is wrong.

A phone startles the two..Gabes phone. He left it on the table when he walked in earlier. He quickly goes for it, fearing what Sam might see but nothing is going to make this situation easy on him. Sam snatches the devise before Gabriel even takes two steps. His jaw clenches at the name. "Kali," Sam smiles, not a real one, one that shows hurt and hatred..betrayal. "Sam—"

"Tell me something, Gabriel, is she the reason?"

He opens his mouth but only to be stopped. "Don't lie to me," the Winchester barks. Gabes chest tightens. "Is. She. The. Reason?"

His body trembles and his eyes fill to the brim. "Yes," he whispers, voice breaking. "Are–are you going back to her?" Sam shakes his head at the very thought of it, the image slowly burning into his brain. "Answer me!" he demands. "Yes," his voice falters again.

"You're lying," Sam shakes his head, this time in denial, his face red with anger, the only thing masking his broken heart. "I'm not lying to you."

"You are! You're lying! Tell me the truth, Gabriel. I've been with you for too long to not know, I know, you're lying," Sam's voice is loud, filling the small dorm. He's never loud, Gabe knows this, he's a soft spoken person; Sam hates to yell. "Sam," Gabe sniffles through his noes, "I'm not."

Before anymore damage can be done, the older male heads for the door. Sam then truly loses it, slamming the door back shut before Gabriel can leave. "Sam—"

"If you leave now, don't ever come back," he manages between his pressed teeth. Tears stream steadily down Sam's cheek, the sight bringing back when they broke up the last time. To remember how dreadful it was to be apart for a month, when he lived his whole life before that without him; it was hell. Scratch that, hell would be an improvement. Gabe would rather be tortured in hell for the rest of his life than to never be with Sam again..but it's for the Winchesters safety. With that in mind, he reaches for the door handle again, Sams wet eyes staring his down.

And he opens the door. Sam doesn't stand for it, doesn't believe it's what Gabe really wants. He, once again, slams the door shut with the flat of his hand. "Gabe, please—please don't leave me," Sam cries, giving his last attempt to keep his life together.

"I'm so sorry," Gabriel whispers.

And he does it,

He really leaves.

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