Day 2-Mikasa-

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That same night I was in my room upstairs doing my homework.

Don't be shock!

While I did my homework my room door opened and I looked up seeing my mom.

"Hey darling how was school?" She asked as I shrugged.

"It was good like usual" I said and went back to doing my homework

"So guess what I got a surprised for you" my mom said making a cuddly teddy bear face

"What?" I asked. "Go on guess"

I blinked. "Uh-" "alright I can't keep it in I signed you up as a volunteer for a medical hospital you'll be helping little kids who can't really work well" my mom blurted out.

Even though I was excited I had so much work to do.

"I think you'll like it there" my mom says.

"When do I start?" I asked. "Tomorrow after school your not expected to be early just show up and help" she said.

I smiled. "Okay I like the sound of that" I said as my mom kissed my forehead. "Dinner will be ready shortly" she said before leaving

I put my homework up just now finishing as I decided to take a quick shower.

After taking a warm shower I put on a white plain shirt and some black gym shorts with green outlines.

I went downstairs and started to eat while actually looking up things about what I should do as a volunteer.

I couldn't wait to start working and I hope I actually become friends with some of them

And to keep memory might even take pictures of them.

After eating I went back up to my room and decided to go to sleep early so I could have enough energy to watch the kids.

I really didn't care how long I would be doing this I just couldn't wait to go there.

*After school next day*

"Hey Eren after school want to hang out with me and the guys?" Jean asked walking up to me.

"Uh no I actually have somewhere to be later on today sorry" I said seeing my moms car ahead.

"What you doing?" He asked.

"Just work" I said as I waved to him and ran to the car and opened the door and went inside the car as she drove off.

"Ready sweety?" My mom asked as I nodded

"Yea I've been waiting all day for this!" I said. "I can't wait to meet them"

"I hope you have fun on your first day please be careful and take good care of the kids there are even teens" She said as she pulled up to a medium sized hospital.

"So I just go in?" I asked a little nervous now

"Mhm tell them your volunteering and they will show you who you will be working with" my mom said

"Okay thanks mom love you" I said and got out the car and went inside the hospital.

I went to the front and was waiting for the adult to finish talking so I could go.

By the time it was my turn I came up and told the lady behind the counter I was a volunteer and she told me to wait.

Then a lady passed by.

"Oh doctor Hanji this is one of the volunteers that showed up today" the Lady said.

"Oh cool what's your name?" Hanji asked?

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