Day 5-The News-

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Mikasa's POV

I felt so miserable now. Doctor Hange came in my room earlier today telling me I had good news and bad news.

Good news: was that I have a chance at moving again

Bad news: I have a decrease in my life span.

Meaning instead of twenty days to live she said I have 14 now.

I cried and cried after receiving the news. I was selfish for thinking I had a chance at living

Hange tried to comfort me but I couldn't. My chest hurts so much!

I was going to end up leaving this planet and the worse part was I didn't know how I could break the news to Eren

He would feel heartbroken if I didn't tell him but I was scared to.

I should of never asked for that miracle because of that I've brought Eren into my life and now I have a reason wanting to live

The feeling was terrible and painful inside. I've already made friends to.

"Do you want me to call Eren?" Hanji asked. "N-no" I sniffed with tears falling still. "Why not don't you want to see him?" She asked.

"N-no" I said my voice a little shaky. I can't believe I was talking but only able to say few words

It hurt my throat

"Okay" Hanji frowned and left. This sucked so much. I wish I could see Eren but I didn't want to see him when I'm like this

Why god...why all I ever wanted was to live a peaceful life...and now your taking everything I have away from me
Eren's POV:

The bell rung for school to be let out as I walked outside of school with Christa next to me.

She showed me the pictures of when we was with Mikasa

She was cute in all of them.

"Tell Mikasa I said hi I would go but I have to print out these pictures and give them to student gov" Christa said waving and walking off.

I nodded.

I started walking around deciding to take a walk and just feel the fresh air.

My phone went off vibrating in my pants as I looked at the caller ID.


I answered and put my phone to my ear. "Hey" I said. Hey Eren after your day to the beach why don't on Monday you take her to school Hanji said into the phone.

"Why you want me to take her to school even though it sounds like a good idea" I thought. Make her have fun she wants a lot of time with you Hanji spoke.

I nodded and hung up.

I decided to go over to the hospital to visit her. I couldn't wait to see her.

*Time passed*

I made it to the hospital and went to Mikasa room.

But when I got in Hanji was in there and pushed me out. "Hanji what was that for?" I asked.

"Mikasa doesn't want to see you right now" she told me. My eyes shrunk and my heart cracked a bit.

"Oh okay why not?" I asked. "She is going through something" she said. "Let me see her so I can just give her a quick kiss and leave" I said.

"No Eren she doesn't want to see you at all" Hanji broke to me. I felt hot tears form in my eyes but I didn't let them slip

"O-okay w-well uh tell her I said hi if she wants to" I said a little heartbroken and left.

I couldn't believe she didn't want to see me.

Did she not like me anymore?

Or was she just going through her emotions.

Whatever it was I wanted to make her feel better but she didn't want me to see her so I didn't know what to do now.

I wonder if she still wanted to go to the beach which was tomorrow

That night

It was 9:21 at night and while my mom was cooking dinner I was in my room trying to finish my homework

Mikasa was into my head a lot and she kept distracting me from my work.

I gave up and put my homework away and decided to finish it tomorrow after the beach.

I went on my computer seeing the screen saver of me and Mikasa at the hospital.

I was able to get the picture from Christa and transfer it through my computer.

"Mikasa... What's wrong with you"

Hehe sorry it's a little short ran out of things to write about anyway next update soon

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