~Diary of the last Asian~

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Sorry I have not been updating any stories that much lately, but today I'll try to update as much as I can before school starts back :( which I wish would never come. Anyway enjoy this chapter


Eren's POV

The game was starting in a few minutes and I was patiently waiting by the ladies locker room for Isabel to finish changing. I wasn't nervous this time. If Mikasa wanted to play like this then I happily accept the request.

I'm sure Isabel knew what to do as well so all the flirting crap was up to her, I just had to make it look like I didnt mind her touch.

"Isabel are you done? The game is bout to start soon" I reminded her.

"Almosssst finiiiiished" she sung out of the stalls. I groaned and waited for a few minutes.

While I waited I saw Armin and Sasha walking together. "Hey Eren what are you doing waiting by the girls locker room?" Armin asked. "Oooh are you trying to have a sneak peek?" Sasha gasped. Red was painted across my cheeks.

"N-No just waiting for Isabel" I told. "Watcha gonna do?" Sasha asked while cocking her head and taking a bite out of her potato.

"Oh were gonna watch the game together" I say. "But what about Mikasa? Aren't you two dating?" She asked kind of shocked. "It's complicated" I say in uneasiness. "Anyway why aren't you with Connie?" I asked noticing his missing presence. "He's already saving our seats for the game, were on our way now" Sasha replies.

"Cool well see yah there" I wave and the two walks off. I sigh noticing she still wasn't out.

"When are you almost done?!" I nearly shout. "You can't rush perfection bonehead!" She retorted as she finally made her way out.

She wore a spaghetti strapped peachy dress that stop at her upper thighs, and golden sandals that showed her painted light orange toenails. Her hair was curled out and she had a bit of makeup on her face. Not to much thank god.

I can't help but blush. It felt like sparks of firework setting off in my cheeks. "Y-your really uh... Beautiful" I complimented making her blush as well. "Thanks Eren but remember I'm helping you to get Mikasa Jealous and want you, nothing happens between you and me" Isabel remarks as she locks arms with mine and we walk out to the football stadium.

The opponent team has arrived and both teams have already started practicing before the game.

We head to the bleachers and I see Mikasa and Jean sitting at the top which meant if we sat a few benches down and was in there view she definitely would have to notice us.

We head to the fifth row and walk to the center and got settled.

There's small food stands and I am happy to have 15 dollars on me. When the game starts I feel Isabel wrap her arms around my right arm pressing her breast against my arm. My face heats up. I know this is only temporary but lemme enjoy this anyway because this feels like heaven.

Mikasa's POV

How dare he!

How dare he comes to the football game and brings another girl with him!

Is it because I came with Jean?

If he wanted to come I would of went with him and not Jean. Jesus why is he so difficult?

Was he making me Jealous or was he actually dating her??

He got over me that quick? It's like he didn't even love me. It's his fault to even begin with, I've done nothing but try to enjoy my life and make up the 16 years I've been missing out on but he repays me by sitting with another girl who he could be possibly dating?!!!

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