Day 6-the beach-

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Eren's POV

Today was going to be one of the best days of my life because today we would be going to the beach!

I got up extra early to look good for Mikasa.

She called me late last night apologizing and said she was still going to the beach which made me feel better.

I packed everything that would be romantic for the two of us

Everyone called me saying they was getting ready.

My mom came in when I was packing up everything.

"Breakfast is ready" she said as I went downstairs and started to eat on the sofa.

"Can't wait to go to the beach Eren?" My mom asked as I nodded. "Yea I can't wait to see Mikasa" I told

"Sweet you seem to be really close to Mikasa you never stop talking about her"my mom smirked getting suspicious.

"What's up with that?" My dad asked. "Oh well I think were going out I would kiss her and tell her how much I love her" I explained.

"That's sweet that your helping her and taking her outside and stuff" "yea after the beach I figured I walk her around" I told them.

"When will they be here?" She asked. "Pretty soon" I said.

Hange would be dropping Mikasa off at my house since not only was it to far from the hospital but because Hanji wouldn't fit the wheelchair in her car.

"Can't wait to see her" I said a little bouncy

There was a knock on the door as I quickly got up to answer it and opened the door seeing the mail man.

I quickly slammed the door and went back to the sofa.

"Its for you" I said as my mom nodded and answered the door apologizing.

I waited while watching TV and looked at the time seeing it was 8:42 now and sighed.

We would be going to the beach at 10 and I wanted Mikasa to come over so I can show her around and stuff

About 30 minutes later there was another knock on the door and my mom went to go answer it.

She talked to whoever was at the door till she called my name.

"Hey Eren someone is here to see you"
I wonder who that was. I stood up and went over to the door and my heart instantly started beating fast.

Mikasa was there in a wheelchair with Hange behind her. She had a towel covering herself and a bag on top of her.

"Mikasa!" I said as Hange pushed her into the house. "Have fun with her" Hanji smiled walking back to the hospital

My mom closed the door and squealed. "So this is the beautiful girl you've been talking about how cute I'm Eren's mom!" Kaurla introduced.

Mikasa smiled and waved a bit. "H-hey" she said a lite shaky still. She wasn't use to talking I guess.

"Hold on let me get my camera this is going on Facebook!" She said and ran to her room.

"Wow how embarrassing!" I said aloud as I pushed Mikasa into the living room

"Hey Mikasa excited?" I asked as she nodded.

"Got the camera got the camera!!" My mom yelled running into the room. "Jesus Kaurla calm down there not going anywhere" my dad said

"Smile!" My mom said holding her phone up as me and Mikasa both smiled.

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