Day 13 part 1 -movies-

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Eren's POV

1 day left.

Then Mikasa would be gone for good. I couldn't bare the thought of loosing her.

The one and only girl I ever truly loved.

I didn't want to believe she was about to die, because it was a dream right?

Ever since yesterday I tried to convince myself that Mikasa wouldn't die, and that it was all just a dream, a lie even. But if it did tend to be true I would have to face reality and accept the fact.

Thinking was bothering as much as actually knowing

I turned around and looked at Mikasa in the hospital bed next to me.

I touched her damped knotted hair, combing through it. She shook a little so I stopped.


Maybe I should Cherish her last Friday by taking her somewhere

I wanted to take her to two places today

The movies...and a Arcade

"That sounds like a good idea" I say to myself.

"What does?" I heard a sweet voice say as I saw Mikasa awake.

"Oh I was thinking of places to take you" I tell laying up and stretched.

"I'll help you get ready" I say as I got up and put the same clothes on.

Just so you know I'm changing when I get home.

"Where is your fresh batch of clothes?" I asked

"It should be in that big white container over there" she says

I wanted her to point but I noticed she still couldn't move her arms to show the way

So I looked for it and then found a nice outfit for her to wear and put it on her

The door opened as I picked her up and placed her in the wheelchair.

"And where are you two going?" Hanji asked as I got behind Mikasa

"Oh I'm taking her somewhere do you mind if I keep her for the day?" I asked.

"Sure but bring her in before 8" Hanji says

She checked Mikasa for about 20 minutes then leaves us off to do whatever.

I push her outside as Mikasa looks eager to where were going.

"So Eren where exactly are we going?" She asks as we made it to my house.

"After I take a quick shower and change I'll take you somewhere special" I say

We get in my house and immediately my mom screams.

"EREMIKA FOR LIFE!" My mom shouts as I blush a bit.

"Where did ya get Eremika from?" I asked wondering how the name spreads

"Mikasa told me plus it's 10× better then MikaEre" she said.

"Welp I'm going to take a shower watch Mikasa for me" I tell my mom before heading upstairs.

I go all the way to my room and into my bathroom and take a quick warm shower and change into a black shirt with a decorated skull, black shorts and Nike's.

I rushed downstairs and picked Mikasa up saving her from my mom telling her baby stories of me

How embarrassing

But she seemed to enjoy it though.

I put her in the wheelchair and pushed her outside.

We took a nice stroll down a long street turning onto a street where there was practically everything.

"What's a movie theatre?" Mikasa asked as I put her in line.

"A place where lots of people go to watch something that looks nice to watch" I explained.

"There are different types?"

"Yea there's horror, comedy, animation, roma-"

"ROMANCE!" Mikasa quickly said making me chuckle.

"Which movie you think will interest you?" I asked showing her the list of romance movies.

She was concentrating so hard trying to pick.

"Why don't we see ' Lost Love'" Mikasa says as I nodded.

I heard of the movie but never really wanted to see it until I actually had love in my life.

It was about a girl and a guy who is teenagers and was separated and loves each other to death and promises to see each other. Wow how cheesy.

I paid for both of us and pushed her inside.

We took the elevator downstairs and I ordered her some popcorn and a orange juice.

We then went inside the theatre and chose a nice seat in the middle.

Just so you know I carried her up the stairs.

The wheelchair stayed at the entrance.

Soon the movie started and I saw Mikasa smile already amazed.

"So cool!" She squealed lowly at how the screen got wider.

She was just so cute.

"Want any popcorn?" I ask as she opened her hand a bit.

I ignored her and just put it in her mouth for her.

After all her arms was still paralysed.

I held her hand and gripped onto it tightly as I saw her smile then blush.

She was just to cute!

Soon the movie was over and it was actually pretty good. It was so cute that for a few times I actually went over to kiss her cheek or hand.

I picked her up when the movie was finished and put her in her wheelchair and we left

"That was a really nice romantic movie" Mikasa says in a sweet tone like always

"Mhm it did set the mood" I say

I pushed her through the park. For a few minutes we watched kids and a women gave us bread to feed the birds. They loved Mikasa but I got pecked a few times! I grabbed flowers so she get a nice view of them and all and we even visited the library for a few to read books.

But I had something else I wanted to bring her to.

So I pushed her to an arcade.

"A-Arcade?" Mikasa asked.

"Yep Arcade where lots of games are" I say as I push her in.

Hanji's POV

"So are you saying she might have a chance at living?" I asked hands on my hips.

The professor nodded.

"Well depends on how her body functions" he states.

"What you mean?" I asked crossing my arms now

"The way her body reacts might have an effect on her if we give her the shot there is a chance she might survive and be able to move" he says.

"What if she takes that risk and dies this girl wants to live a life test it then I will think about it" I say

"This took 10 years to make I'm 90% sure this will work" he says then packs his suit case.

"If you kill her I won't ever forgive you" I say as he nods then leave.

That girl was about all I had left

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