Day 12 -Love-

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Mikasa's POV

I hate myself. Why didn't I tell him earlier?!

I was such an idiot!

After wanting to talk to him I didn't tell him I'd be dying shortly

2 days to be exact

I sighed heavily and couldn't help but hate myself for not telling him

It was near noon were soon the day would end and I would have nothing but one day left

My life sucked but at least I got to spend 12 days with Eren and all my amazing friends.

I was going to miss them so much

I felt myself about to cry at the thought and shook my head

Gosh I need to get this out of my head!

If I die with this secret it will do nothing but hurt Eren and everybody else.

I wanted to live a full life with Eren and I wasn't going to experience what it was to truly love someone

"Mrs Ackerman you have a visitor" one of the doctors told me as Eren came in.

I didn't smile.

All I felt was more pain.

"Hey Mika what's up?" Eren asked as the door closed behind him

He went to it and locked it.

"I'm good I guess" I say lowly thinking he heard me.

"Mikasa what's wrong?" He asked taking his jacket off and putting it aside along with his shoes and socks

"N-Nothing" I stuttered a bit making it quite obvious

"You sure yesterday you seemed like you was hiding something" he says


"I think we need to talk" Mikasa says as Eren turns around from leaving and sits besides her.

"What is it?" He asked patiently and calmly

"E-Eren...I want to tell you that.. er um..." "Yeaa?" He asked still waiting.

"I love you so much!" She smiled happily

Although Eren saw right through her smile that there was sadness. He said he loved her back, kissed her then left


"I'm fine" I say pursing my lips. To bad he wasn't that gullible cause he stood there and gave me a look.

"You sure?" He kept asking as he took his shirt off.

He never has done that!

I felt my face heat up seeing all his muscles and abs.

Wow he must work hard.

The part that got me more nervous was when he got in the bed with me and laid atop of me not to close to my face.

My body burned.

"E-Eren what are you doing?!" I asked bewildered as he bent down and gave me a soft kiss on my neck.

"Mikasa I love you so much and you might not probably know what I'm doing and think I'm crazy but you never leave my head and I'm glad we have love between I want to show you all the love I have in me" he explained a little nervous

Now his face was burning and I could tell he was redder then a tomato.

I think I knew what he was doing. I see it in the movies when a couple is on there lover and they do things to each other.

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