-She Is Back-

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Eren's POV

For a whole Sunday I wasn't notified what was going on with Mikasa but Hanji kept me updated and said she was fine.

I was getting dress for school on a normal usual Monday and when finished I waved to my mom bye and walked out the house and caught up with Armin who walked further ahead as we walk to school.

When we got inside something was different.

To different.

Everyone in the halls was buzzing around about something.

It felt alive. Whatever it was got my curiosity high.

Suddenly a girl with chin length wavy light brown hair and large amber eyes came up to me.

I knew her. It was no other than Hitch Dreyse. President of student Gov.

"Hey Eren this is quite the surprise!" She squealed. I tilted my head 100% confused.


"With Mikasa! Why didn't you tell us she was coming today!" She yelled out throwing her hands down.

I was shock!

Mikasa was here?!?!?

"Where is she??" I asked in excitement. "Follow me" she says jogging down the crowded corridor as we followed.

"Wow you must really miss her" Armin says as we enter another hall, pushing through the double doors.

There was lots of students gathering around her like she was famous or some new girl who happened to be a model.

I wouldn't be surprised if she was more popular then Christa.

But then something shocked me. Mikasa wasn't in the wheelchair.

She was standing up, trying to push the students away from her so she could get some space.

"Hey back off of her give her some room orders by the president of student government!" Hitch demanded.

"Uh thanks" Mikasa says bowing to Hitch when the students scattered.

"MIKASA!" I couldn't help but yell out and her face turned red and was filled with surprised as I hugged her tightly.

"Eren!" She blushed hugging me back.

"Your standing!" I pointed out as she nodded. "I'm able to fully walk now" she says.

She was so adorable. "And I will be attending this school so now we can be together forever!" She squealed.

"Thanks" I hear another familiar voice and saw Hanji talking with Mr Erwin.

"Hey Eren love your surprise?" Hanji said with a sweet smile.

I nodded and wrapped my left arm over her neck. "Now I can show her all the love I have for her" I say winking at her making her cover her blushing face.

"Oh and I've been talking with your mom Eren and guess what? Mikasa will be living with you to!" She exclaimed.

We both seemed shock by this news.

I dont know why but some dirty thoughts came to mind.

YES I can see her take a shower

I can watch her sleep!

I can take her clothes and take nice swifts of the smell

I can get in bed with her!


Suddenly I felt pain shoot through my head, snapping me out of my thoughts and falling back. Hanji had hit me on the head with her clipboard.

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