-A Miracle-

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Eren's POV

I ran all the way to the hospital leaving Christa behind but she knew where I was going.

My mind was going crazy with thoughts running to me.

Was Mikasa Alive?!?

She has to be come on!

I was tired but I kept running pushing myself till I got there. It was 3 miles away but I did it. I slowed down when I reached the building.

"M-Mikasa" I panted tiredly, near the door. I caught my breathe for a few then went inside.

"I'm here for Mikasa" I say at the front.

"Okay she is-" "I know it's okay" I say then took off running.

"Wait no running!" She called out to me but I didn't care. I needed to see Mikasa.

I went up the elevator I remembered rushing into last time.

When the doors opened I ran through the familiar hall and reached the familiar door I haven't saw in a while.

I hesitated to open the door.

I stood there, scared to open it and tried to brace myself for what I was bout to see. I took a deep breathe then put my hand on the knob and opened the door all the way.

I stood there, both of our eyes met like it was the first time in forever, her eyes seemed to be red and swollen from crying, those machines wasn't there the only thing was the small plastic breathing tube under her nose and a hospital band on her. "Eren!" She screamed excitedly as I ran to her and hugged her tightly.

"Mikasa! It's really you" I cried on her shoulder.

I was so happy. To happy in fact. I wanted to enjoy this moment.

"I thought I never see you again" she said softly. "Me to I'm so glad your alive and well" I say rubbing her head. She purred like a cat. "I love you Eren" Mikasa whispered in my ear then went up to me and before I could figure out what was next our lips was together. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me in closer deepening the kiss. This kiss I was going to remember forever. So I wrap my arms around her waist and kissed her like my life depended on it.

"Thanks Eren for giving me hope" she blushes letting go. "I'm so glad I get to see you again" she smiled.

"Me to Mikasa" I say kissing her cheek

I let go of her and she lays back down on her bed and smiles at me. "Glad to have you back Mikasa" I smiled to happily

"Mhm how is Mika?" She asked. "Is she well?" I nodded.

"She is happy and a good listener hopefully she will be excited to see you" I say chuckling as she giggled.

The door opened and Hanji came in and she screamed to loud seeing Mikasa and hugged her tightly. "Your okay!" She said with a huge smile. "Mhm" she said patting Hanji. "Great now you can come back to our hospital" she says.

"No Mrs Hanji the doctors said after today I will be out my body is perfectly fine now" Mikasa tells.

We both was shocked. "Really?!"

She nodded. The doors opened again and Nile came in. "Hey Mikasa how are you?" He asked.

I could tell Hanji still didn't like him because she made the most funniest rudest face ever

"Good" she says quietly and lowly. She to seems to not like Nile.

"Well in less then 7 hours we will release her" he says holding up the clipboard.

"So you two can get going you have nothing to worry about" he says plastering a smile on his face. I wanted to stay although I remembered going for a walk and didn't want my mom to worry.

"Oh yea I got to go Mikasa my mom is probably worried about me" I wave as she frowns.

She must really don't want to see me leave.

"It's okay Mikasa I'll be awake and waiting for you" I say as she smiles.

"Mhm of course I can't wait" she smiles.

"And me I'll be staying just in case" Hanji says which made me stress a little less about this. "Thanks Hanji bye now" I wave to them then kissed Mikasa's cheek and left.

I walked all the way home then sprinted when I was close because this heat was killing me.

I went inside just as my mom was going out and we both collided then I fell!

"Sorry Eren! I was just about to come get you I was worried sick!" My mom said pulling me back up. She was strong. "Sorry I was at the hospital I forgot to text you but-" "is it about Mikasa?" She asked with a smile putting her hands on my shoulders. I exhaled slowly then smiled. "Yea she is okay" I say.

She smiles then pulls me in and closes the door.

"Oh thank god she is okay now you can stop crying like a baby" my mom sighed as I rolled my eyes.

"I did not sound like a baby" I pouted. "Whatever oh and the school called me Eren they said your grades are dropping and it's been ever since you volunteered to help Mikasa, is she distracting you?" My mom asked with the phone in her hand.

I frowned.

"Yea but now that she is okay I have nothing to worry about so I'm going to go do my homework right now" I tell her

She smiles at me then makes a face like she just remembered something.

"That means I can go back to selling Eremika condiments!" She gushed holding up the box.

"They've been selling and people actually came to the house to buy them! Eremika is a hit baby!" My mom said shaking her hips.

"Wow please tell me you did not just do that" I said a little embarrassed and bad for myself that I witnessed that. She rolled her eyes. "Whatever maybe I should have a store of Eremika!" She squealed leaving.

I went up to my room and started my homework completely focused and actually finished it all in under an hour.

For the rest of the day I thought about Mikasa.

I took a shower, ate dinner, fed and walked the puppy and now I was going to sleep.

"Mika!" I called her bending down and whistling.

I heard her running up the stairs and she jumped in my arms.

She always listened. She was so calm and beautiful and so small. She always sleeps with me and follows my mom and I but doesn't like my dad as much for some reason.

"Cmon sleep time" I say putting her in my bed.

I bought her a small bed but because it looks like a pillow I put it in the bed besides me and she sleeps there.

She licked my face and got comfortable and sat down and went to sleep. I did the same thinking of Mikasa.

I'm so glad she is okay

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