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Eren's POV

The next morning I felt gloomy and dull for some reason. But that's probably because Mikasa didn't sleep with me last night.

I shrug if off and took a short, quick, warm shower before changing into some fresh morning clothes.

I lazily did my hair, effortlessly trying before making sure I had everything ready for school and heading downstairs.

There, I see Mikasa already waiting for me while reading and my mom is cooking.

"Hey what's for breakfast?" I asked. Mikasa finally looks up when she realize I'm down.

"Some waffles" she says flatly before handing me my plate. "Eat up".

I nod then sat down next to Mikasa and began eating.

"Did you eat?" I asked suddenly and she nods. "Yes" she simply says.

"Kay" was all I responded with and after eating I put my plate up. "Love you guys see ya after school" I waved. "Bye misses Yeager" Mikasa waves and follows me out the door and we begin our hike to school.

I opened my phone and saw we had 15 minutes till the bell rung. We had enough time.

I looked over and saw Mikasa's eyes glued on the phone. Her thumbs moved quickly across the screen.

"Who are you texting?" I asked while arching a brow at her.

"Oh, just Jean, do you mind if I go out with him Saturday to watch a movie and walk around?" She asked.

I blinked profusely. He was basically asking her out on a date!

"Uh well do you want to go?" I asked sounding a bit bummed.

I actually was planning on doing something with her this Saturday. "Yea it's a movie I've always been wanting to watch!" She squeals. "Why didn't you ask me? I would of taken you" I frowned. "You was busy with Armin plus I wanna spend time with all my friends while I'm out the hospital" she explains.

I sighed. "Sure go ahead" I gave in.

"HEYYYYYY!" We both turned around and saw Armin running from the end of the street all the way to us. "MIKASA, EREN WAIT UP!" Armin yells loudly while waving his hand everywhere. Jeez the embarrassment I was feeling, however Mikasa seemed to be enjoying the moment.

He finally reached us, exhausted and taking lungful breathes as we continued to walk.

"I've never run that much in my life!" He exclaimed as we walked into the school, of course everyone was greeting Mikasa.

"Hey Mikasa wanna come with us while we wait for class to start?" Mina asked. Her face lit up. "Sure!" She says before being dragged away from me.

She didn't even wave or give me a kiss. Suddenly I think she is trying to guilt trip me because of yesterday.

I don't blame her.

"Is something up with you and Mika?" Armin asked. "Matter of fact yeah, I guess she is mad at me that I hung out with you and ate dinner without her and is trying to guilt trip me about it, now Jean is taking her to go see this movie she has been dying to watch and I actually LET HER!" I yelled out in frustration dragging attention to us.

"Why?? You know Jean would try something on her!" Armin yelled at me.

"I know but she was saying stuff like her wanting to have time with her friends while out the hospital" I explained. "I think..." Armin starts.

"She is trying to make you jealous" he points out.

"She wouldn't do that" I chuckled slightly then stopped. "Maybe"

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