His tears

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Eren's POV

I have been worried for the past 4 weeks. It's been forever since I heard from Hanji or that Nile guy how Mikasa was doing.

I even visit the hospital to see if she has return or to see if anything was new.

Now I was starting to get worried.

What if she didn't make it and they was trying to find a way to explain to me that she was gone.

The feeling of her gone literally stung my heart. I couldn't bare the pain.

"Hey cheer up Eren I'm sure Mikasa is doing fine and there training her or something" my mom says.

My mom has literally only made me feel worse

She has been going around the neighborhood passing out Eremika crap

I love our ship but she needs to know her son's happiness comes first!

"Yea I doubt it" I sighed. "Don't be depressed Eren I'll tell you if I get a call from them" she said with a small smile.

She patted my shoulder. "You'll be fine now go ahead and go to school" she says as I nod and left the house.

I put my hands inside my jacket due to the coldness I was feeling. Winter just seem to never end and thank God spring would be arriving soon.

"Hey Eren wait up!" I hear my childhood friend call out to me.

I wait for Armin as he comes beside me and we keep walking to school which wasn't far.

"So how is Mikasa?" He ask

I felt my heart sting a bit at hearing her name. "It's been weeks since they called back I'm worried" I say my voice cracking a bit.

Mikasa only had 14 days left and surprisingly she lived through 1 more

But it's been 3 weeks to be exact and I was so worried.

Armin must of felt sorry for me cause he started rubbing my back. "I'm sure Mikasa is fine" he comforts me.

I hope she was. They should of released her by now already.

We made it to school and I go straight to my homeroom without answering anyone where Mikasa was. I was to depress.

I sat down in my seat and I felt so heartless. I wanted to see Mikasa so badly

I missed her so much

"Hey Eren you seem gloomy today what's wrong?" I hear a deep voice say.

It's Reiner.

"I miss her" I frowned. "Who?" Reiner asked.

Oh yea Reiner hasn't exactly met Mikasa.

"I miss my girlfriend Mikasa" I tell him. He looks surprised. "You finally got a girl?" He seemed happy and patted my back.

"Good job bro" he winked at me. "Reiner" Bertholdt sighed at him.

"Mikasa is going through something and Eren seems like he needs space" Bertholdt explains.

I chuckle a bit. Bertholdt always looks out for us when it's accounted for.

"Thanks Bertholdt" I smile as he blushed a bit. "You seem like you need to cry" he says sitting down next to me.

"Well because I miss Mikasa you know" I frown again.

"It must be hard for you to worry and stress out about her" Bertholdt says calmly.

I nodded. "I don't want to get a kind guy like you involved you giant" I smile making him laugh but turn a shade of red.

He looks at me again then frowns. "Eren you okay?" He asked.

"Eren?" Mina asked coming around me with Armin and Thomas.

Soon everyone crowded me.

Gosh did I really look like I was about to break down?

Soon I felt tears stream down my eyes.

I knew I missed Mikasa.

To much was running through my head. Was she okay? Is she still alive? When will she be out?

The thoughts was stressing.

Before I knew it I started getting scared. What if I lost the only girl I truly loved.

The tears streamed down by more and I clutched my teeth together to prevent from crying and screaming, my head hurt a lot.

I just sniffed. "Mikasa" I only say as I shake a bit.

"Eren you okay?" Armin asked. "Y-yes...I just miss Mikasa" I say calming down a bit

Everyone starts patting my back to help calm me down.

"Hey why don't we make Mikasa a card!" Christa suggest as they all agreed

"Yea let's make a nice quick one" Ymir says.

"Come here Christa darling help me make the title" Ymir winked at her as she giggled and followed her by Reiner.

They made a nice big decorated card for her with pictures that we took weeks ago(they made copies of those pictures). There was even pictures of places we thought she would never see and all of her friends name and other people's name written in the inside. In the front it spelt "Mikasa's Adventures and Friends" it was the most beautiful well thought thing I ever saw.

"Hey Eren after school want to stop by the hospital to give it to Hanji?" Armin asked.

I nodded. "Sure I guess" I say as the speaker in the class came on.

"Hello? We need Eren Yeager to the front office for early dismissal"

"Woah this early" Hitch says to Annie.

"Yep something went wrong" Mina whispers to Armin as he held her hand.

"Be safe Eren" Ymir says giving him a fist pump. "Yea thanks" I say. "If you see Mikasa tell her I love her!" Jean blurted out.

Ymir kicks Jean to the wall making Christa laugh as Eren felt better.

"Thanks guys" I say grabbing the card and then leaving.

I wanted to know why they called me out so early. I was worried and things ran through my head.

As soon as I reach the office I see two guys in black suits and right away I know something's wrong.

"Eren Yeager?" The first guy ask. I nodded. "yes?"

"Come with us"

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