Mikasa's First Christmas

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There will be a whole chapter based on Mikasa's first Christmas. A Christmas gift from me to you guys! Love you all and Merry Christmas 💖 This is just a short story so don't complain. Christmas is about giving not getting. Always remember that.

Eren's PoV

"OH MY SQUEE! EREN IT'S ALMOST CHRISTMAS!" My mom shrieked when she entered the room so suddenly in the morning.

"Why are you so obsessed with this years christmas? You haven't stopped talking about it since the end of October" I said dully not even bothered to look up at her.

"Yeah but it will also be Mikasa's first year spending Christmas with us. Have you forgotten that she was in a hospital most of her life​?" My mom asked with a perplexed brow.

I looked up from my math packet that I had to do over winter break.

"Oh crap...don't be mad" I said and my mom gasped.

"You didn't get Mikasa anything yet?! She loves this holiday and actually wants to spend it with you. Get her something or I am disclaiming you as my son" She threatened.

"Well then let's go to the mall" I rolled my eyes as I set aside my work.

I got up from the bed and grabbed my wallet from my dresser.

"Unbelievable" my mom scoffed as she eyed be devilishly. "What?" I questioned as we walked out my room. "Just unbelievable" was all she said.

When I get downstairs I could see Mikasa sitting down on the soft cushioned couch while watching a Christmas Carol. She seemed so beautiful. She sat in her wheelchair watching intensively while my dad helped her make popcorn strings.

Even though she was living with Hanji she thought she like it better if she spent Christmas here. And who are we to say no to her.

Even though she was still paralyzed from the waist down she was a lot of help.

She helped my mom do dishes, hung up ornaments on the lower part of the Christmas tree, decorated the fire place and help wrap presents meant for other family members. She was a lot of help but I had grown so use to her presence that I forgot about her past. Does this make me a bad boyfriend?

"Me and Eren will be back guys" My mom announced making Mikasa turn around to glimpse up at me.

Her cheeks was a rosy pink color that made her eyes poke out more. She was really stunning.

She gives me a small smile and I couldn't help but blush at her cuteness.

I hesitantly walked over to her, bent down and pecked her cheek.

"See you later" I mumbled in her ears. "Be safe" she says locking fingers with mine for a quick moment. I slipped my hand from hers and walked back up to my mom who was smirking at me.

"We'll be back" she hums before opening the door to the snow covered lawn.

"Wow it's cold" I commented as I got in the passenger seat of the car.

"You want to know what's also cold?" My mom asked starting the car and driving off to the mall. "Do I want to?" I sighed as I counted the money from my wallet.

"You forgetting about Mikasa's first Christmas" she blurted.

I groaned. "Mom I already feel bad don't make me feel worse" I mumbled.

"You should blame yourself. Not me" She huff with amusement as she rounds the corner which had the view of the mall in sight. I inhaled sharply as I saw the full parking lot and long lines to get in and out. "Regrets?" My mom smirked at me as she peeked over at me. I rolled my eyes.

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