Day 10 -I hope she is ok-

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Mikasa's POV

I wasn't ready yet. I didn't want to give up missing school to trying to feel better.

I wanted to stay with Eren and do so many things and learn new things in school

The pain of being away from him flooded throughout my body.

Dear Mind,

I'm going in for my first series of test since 10 years ago and I am scared to be honest. Hanji said the results will tell if I live or not and usually I wouldn't care what would happen but now that I have a life with a hurts so much thinking about leaving him and not able to tell him what is going on

The door opened and I watched as Hanji walked through.

"Im not ready Hanji" I told her as she looked at me for a while. It wasn't the first time I said that to her.

"Mikasa's you got to do it otherwise you will never get better" she said helping up into my wheelchair Eren pushes me on. "Please Hanji can I at least talk to Eren real quick" I begged. "No there is no time" she said pushing me.

And then we entered the emergency room where I would soon enough get my results.

Eren's POV

While I was getting ready for school I was surprised Hanji didn't call me or text me to pick Mikasa up.

I wondered if she was even going to school today?

"Hey are we picking up Mikasa?" My mom asked ready as I nodded a no. "Um I'm not actually sure I'll call her" I told my mom as I called Hanji. No answer. So I left her a text and soon enough called her again and she still didn't answer.

So I called Mikasa. Just like Hanji no answer so I left her 3 messages.

"I don't think she is going to school" I said grabbing my book bag.

"This doesn't seem like a good sign" my mom told me opening the front door for me

"Yea but she is probably in surgery or something I'll stop by the hospital later on today" I told her as she nodded and I left for school.

When I reached school everyone saw me without Mikasa and bombed me with questions like:

"Where is Mikasa?"

"Is she okay?"

"Why isn't she with you?"

Or. "When will she be back?"

Wow Mikasa got popular quickly and it's only been one day!

"Um it's okay she is probably going through surgery or something" I tell them asthey all looked bummed out.

The bell rung for class to start as Armin ran up to me.

"Hey I heard Mikasa wasn't here" he says. "Wow word gets around quickly" I respond.

"Oh um yea she is doing some I guess" I say when we walk into class.


Class didn't feel the same without Mikasa's excitement for learning and curiosity of what tend to be what

For the whole day I was bored since Mikasa had all my classes. I kept texting her hoping she respond but she never did and that worried me. I felt like something had happen but I didn't let my mind wonder that for long.

I knew after school I would find out what's wrong with her.

After school was over I had went to the convenient store and bought Mikasa some chocolate ice cream and walked to the hospital which I ended up suffering a 20 minute walk.

But during the walk I was hoping Mikasa texted back and checked my phone every few seconds.

I missed her a lot but a lot can happen in a day.

I got to the hospital seeing that they was busy and watched as doctors ran around and papers was flying around. Wow what was happening?

"Um excuse me lady is Mikasa in her room?" I asked the lady behind the counter. "No darling Mikasa is going through surgery" she says as I sighed. Guess I was right.

"Well can you give this to her she really likes it" I say as she takes it from me and puts it in a refrigerator in the back.

"I'll call you if anything happens what's your number?"she asked.

I spoke my number one by one as she put it in her phone And nodded. "Thanks Ma'am" I say then left.

Jesus if they was that busy I wonder what went on.

All I was thinking was if Mikasa was okay and hopefully she is.

Maybe something is up with her body and she is changing.

Maybe...she doesn't have enough time left

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