Epilogue 2/4

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Kaurla's POV

I completely cleared my schedule today to make room to have an appointment with Doctor Hanji. All my son did was volunteer and we ended up taking care of a disabled lonely teen who wish to have a normal life.

The two was already walking to school hand-in-hand which gave Grisha and I the perfect time to leave.

The two didn't know about the appointment only the phone call.

We also eavesdropped on their conversation in the bathroom. I was heartbroken to hear that the next day she would probably drop dead so that's when I decided to schedule and appointment with Hanji.

I wanted to see if she had pills to last about the rest of the week till they could make more but Grisha did add the part that she was slowly dying so once it all cancels out she's over.

We both got into the car and I started driving to the hospital.

"You know... I'm really going to miss Mikasa" I started when we came to a red light.

"Me to, she's like the daughter I know we would never have, especially since Eren was the only child we could make" Grisha sighs.

"Yeah..." I trailed off. "I feel bad for her to, she has to go to school looking at everyone else walk perfectly and not having to worry about taking pills or the deaths of their parents...She probably feels depressed...What if she secretly envies Eren as well?" I thought.

"Kaurla calm down, the two loves each other and you can tell because of the ruckus they made last night" he slightly chuckled.

I largely ignored the fact of my child having sex.

The only reason I didn't interfere was because Mikasa would never have that feeling ever again.

I pulled up at the hospital and the both of us gets out and walks hastily inside the medical building.

"Um excuse me I'm looking for Hanji" I say to the lady at the counter.

"Hanji is in a meeting right now your going to have to wait" she says in an irritated tone. "Well how long does the meeting last?" I asked. She sighs. "Another 10 minutes" she checks before turning her back to me.

My and Grisha eyed each other and before I can secretly, quickly strangle her from behind Grisha grabbed ahold of my arms and pulled me to the chairs in the waiting room. He rubs my legs to comfort me.

Were silent for a while and I had the time to think about everything. How would Eren react most of all? After all he's the one dating the chick.

"I'm worried about Eren" I suddenly say. Grisha eyes me before embracing me into a tight squeeze.

"I know pumpkin but I'm sure everything will be alright" He assures me. That's a lie. Mikasa was going to die tomorrow.

"Don't lie to me" I said a bit sad. My voice cracking up.

"Kaurla..." "Grisha... She's just a kid who wants to live, a kid who wants to see the world, get married, live...She can't do all of that dead at 16" I cry.

"She's just a kid" I lower my head sympathetically.

He says nothing but rubs my back. It makes me feel guilty.

39 and still living with no problems or illness and a 16 year old enters my life begging for what I have...No. mostly everyone has but not her.

I'd take her place any day if I have to. To make her happy and Eren.

"Mr and Mrs Yeager!" I heard the familiar voice of Hanji call us out.

Both of us look up at the adult who quickly walks up to us. We both stand.

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