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Eren's POV

Days go by and now it's Saturday morning.

I lay in my bed sulking and mourning to myself. It was true.

"Mikasa is dead" I say aloud to myself with more tears streaming down my face.

Ever since I got home all I did was cry I told no one what I saw because I didn't want to believe it. And at school people begged me to tell them why the FBI came to get me but all I did was stay quiet.

I didn't know what to do now.

I thought I showed Mikasa everything but now that I feel this way I don't think I showed her enough of the world yet.

I looked at a picture of me and Mikasa, she was sitting in the wheelchair and I kissed her cheek.

Seeing this picture made my tears fall.

"M-Mikasa" I sobbed as I dropped my phone and covered my face.

"Mikasa please come back" I cried to myself. "Mikasa" I kept saying her name hoping she would suddenly appear.

I would hear her call my name. Eren. But I knew it would only be my head messing with me.

"Eren?" I hear someone say but I don't bother to look up.

Instead I keep rocking myself and crying and sniffing.

"Eren you got to tell me what's wrong" my mom says in a worried tone.

I look up at her and wipe the dried tears on my face.

I clear my throat. "I'm going out" I managed to say

She looks at me full of concern as I put my shoes on and did my hair in a non caring way. "I'll be back" I say as she grabs my wrist. "Where are you going?" She asked looking me in my emerald eyes.

"For a walk I'll be back" I say as I give her a quick hug then left.

Mikasa was still in my head though I never seem to get her out my mind.

I just hoped this walk would clear everything for me.

I walk endlessly though wondering where I should stop but I keep going. I stop at a bridge that gives a nice view of the beach

The beach for some reason seemed to calm me.

Maybe because Mikasa has been here when I took her with everyone and it feels like im reliving that day. Her in her beautiful suit, the waves splashing and me rubbing sunscreen on her, when we got free ice cream. I remember everything I do with Mikasa.

I hoped she was okay though I remember someone calling my me before I blacked out at the hospital.

Was it Mikasa? I thought. It sounded just like her. It could of been her.

The wind blew and my hair flew in my eyes as I looked out to the ocean.

The ocean looked beautiful.

"Hey Eren what are you doing here?" I hear a familiar voice and saw Christa.

"Just visiting the ocean" I say as she gets beside me.

"How's Mikasa?" She asked and I swore my heart stopped.

"I dunno" I only say as she frowns. "Still down?" She asked as I nodded as a response. "I'm going crazy Christ I need to see her" I say covering my face with my hand preventing from letting my tears slip. "It's okay Eren" she says calmly patting my back.

"Do you think Mikasa is okay?" I asked as we both looked at each other.

"I'm sure she is okay she has to be" Christa says.

"Anyway....what are you doing here?" I asked wiping my face even though there wasn't nothing on it.

"Just walked around and enjoyed the outside world and nature" she says leaning over the rails we're her hair blew flawlessly through the wind.

"So rumor has it that the FBI came to school to get you and imprison you but I knew half of that was true so what really happened?" She asked as we decided to keep walking.

"They escorted me to a hospital where Mikasa was kept...I saw her dead body laying in the bed lifelessly" I started tears forming again. "It was a terrible sight and they promised they take good care of her but that's what doctors say to make you have a few hope when they know there's nothing else they can do" I cried going on.

It's what doctors do say. So you trust them after all.

"But I heard her voice, I swear I heard her voice!" I nearly shouted.

"Eren calm down if you heard Mikasa's voice she is certain to be alive" she says. I just nod.

My phone goes off and I answer it.

"Eren? It's Hanji come to the hospital immediately!!"

She hangs up without another word and me and Christa is both a little confused but mostly me scared.

"Go" she says shooing me away and I run off to the hospital



Sorry it's short didn't have anything else to write

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