Epilogue 1/4

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Mikasa's POV

I honestly didn't have the energy to get up the very next morning to go to school. After last night I was to depressed to do anything else but I didn't want Eren suspecting me so I just got ready anyway.

"Have a good day at school you two" Kaurla waved to us.

"You to mom" Eren waved with a bright smile. "Bye Mrs Yeager" I waved with a fake cheery smile plastered across my face.

She smiled bigger when her eyes met mine but soon enough we both turned around to walk to school.

"Are you okay Mikasa?" Eren asked once we was far distant from his house.

"Yeah why you ask?" I lied while arching a brow.

I mean who wouldn't be okay when there told that they have 20 days to live.

But Eren didn't know that.

"It's just last night I heard you coughing then you didn't come out of the bathroom for a while" he remarked.

I wiped the sweat that somehow formed on my forehead. I didn't want to tell him.

I didn't have the guts.

Although he does know about the pills.

"Sorry to worry you, I just choked on something when thinking" I lied again.

"You choked on oxygen?" He asked confused. I chuckled. "Not precisely" I muttered.

"But after drinking water I was fine" I say once we got to the entrance of the school.

Everyone got use to me being around that they didn't bombard me with questions and take pictures with me anymore. Less letters was coming in my locker and the mean girls that envied me stop glaring. I guess I wasn't special anymore but that's what they think. No one knows about me having less then 20 days to live.

"Hey Mikasa and Eren!" Christa beamed excitedly while enveloping me into a big bear hug.

"Hey Christ" Eren greeted her as she hugged him as well.

"What's up?" I asked as the small blonde glanced at me.

"I'm having a party at my house this Saturday and I was wondering if you two wanted to come?" She asked in a sweet tone that was hard to turn down.

"Sure why would I miss a party hosted by miss goddess" Eren flirted while pinching her cheek.

I cringed a bit and felt my stomach twist into knots.

That didn't help ease the fact that I would be dead soon.

"Erm... I'll be right back" I quickly excused myself and ran to the nearest ladies room.

Once I was in I pushed passed the two students talking to each other, went in a stall and made sure I locked it.

I ran to the toilet and felt the thick liquid hit my throat before pouring it's way out from me.

"Hey are you okay?" One of the girls asked while knocking on my stall door.

Suddenly I went into a coughing fit.

"Oh my god, girl. What's happening?!" The other girl exclaimed worriedly.

"I'm fine" I managed to say. "Just sick is all"

"Do you need help being escorted to the nurse?" The first one said.

"No thanks I'm fine, thank you" I assure them before the two wished me luck and exited the bathroom.

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