Day 7-The walk-

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Mikasa's POV

It was around 9 in the morning and Hanji was helping me get ready for what she calls a specials day for me.

I got a call from Eren

Well he called Hanji and she told me good news.

She said that Eren called me to say he wanted to walk around with me.

I got so nervous at first cause I loved being with Eren.

"He said you two are going to have so much fun together and I got you this" Hanji said giving me a box.

"Its a phone so you can keep pictures of you two and the things you do in here" she explained.

"And get his number" she added with a smirk.

I blushed.

I was wearing a long sleeved white shirt with black shorts and crimson sandals.

She brushed my hair out where it reached to my shoulders. "You look so beautiful" Hanji commented.

"Thanks" I smiled.

The door opened and it revealed Eren.

My heart started beating so fast, my face heated up and I was getting more nervous

"You didn't tell when you was coming but anyway here you go" Hanji said.

"You look beautiful Mikasa" Eren complimented walking over to me as Hanji left. "T-thanks" I felt myself get more red.

"Ready for a nice walk" He asked picking me up and putting me in my wheelchair

"Y-yes...excited" I said as he rubbed my head. "Your getting better at talking" he said pushing me out the door.

As we walked out everyone said bye to us and wished us luck.

We got outside and I saw the nice view of buildings and people walking around

He started pushing me and I laid back enjoying the ride.

"I didn't plan that much for us but I want to walk around and just talk with you and we can eat I'm paying of course" Eren explained.

"You sweet" I smiled as we walked along. A lot of people was looking at us and taking pictures like it was the cutest thing they ever saw.

"Eren" I said as he made a sound meaning he was all ears. "What there doing?" I asked. My English was not good paralyzed.

"They just think its cute seeing a guy like me pushing a girl like you in a wheelchair they probably know your paralyzed" Eren explained.

"Sweet" I simply say.

We came to a park and we walled through. I saw a lot of kids playing and it felt good seeing them happy.

Then I saw it.

The ice cream stand!!!!

"ICE CREAM!" I yelled out loud hearing Eren laugh. "What's with you and ice cream?" He asked.

"Chocolate!" I said.

"Okay I'll be right back" Eren said leaving me by a bench of adults. Two kids came over and they seemed happy and all cheery.

"Hey miss your really beautiful" one little girl with blonde hair said.

"And you have really long hair can we braid it?" One girl with pigtails said.

"Sure" I smiled as the two got behind me and started braiding my hair. Another kid came to me except this time it was a boy

It's cute when he started flirting with me.

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