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Eren's POV

I dunno what was up with Isabel's act yesterday but she managed to have me sending lots of text messages and phone calls to her. She denied them all and didn't bother to answer any of my text. I was really worried about her.

I didn't know I hurt her. I didn't know it meant that much to her and that's why I was in my room trying to make it up to her by trying to schedule a place for us to go to.

But due to the fact that she doesn't want to answer any of my text or return my calls I dont think I would be taking her anywhere!

"Hey this is Isabel Rivialle leave a message"

Dammit voicemail again.

"Uh hey Isabel it's Eren I'm sorry about everything and you have every right to be mad at me, I should of asked you about bringing everyone along, I'm so sorry please call back when you get the chance" I hung up and tossed my phone on the bed deciding to give up for now.

Mikasa sat on my bed watching my failed attempts. She frowned.

"You seem to care about her a lot" she says dully.

"She's just a friend Mika I'm trying to make her feel better" I tell her.

She says nothing but looks down between her legs. "Eren" she says in a low tone.

"Yes?" I asked sitting next to her trying not to answer my phone. She stays quite for a while before meeting my gaze. "Do you like her?" She asked.

"N-No why would you ask that I only want you" I stutter a bit before wrapping my arms around her.

"You seem to care a lot about her, but when I left you didn't bother to leave voicemails or bomb my phone with worried text messages" she points out.

And it's true.

"Mikasa.." she shakes away from me cutting my off.

"You do like her don't you" she says with tears pouring from her eyes. "No I don't Mikasa" I frowned.

"Then prove it" she says while holding her hands across her face.

At first I hesitate for what I'm bout to do but soon enough I pulled her hands off away from her face and smashed my lips into hers. She seems surprised by my sudden action.

I gently laid her down on the bed still having my lips planted on hers.

"Eren" she breathes out pulling away from the kiss.

I looked up at her and watched her slowly shake her head. "No" was all she said before standing up. "I'm sorry Eren but I can't knowing you have feelings for another girl" she clutches her heart.

"Goodnight" and with that she was gone.

I sighed laying down on my bed starting to rethink everything. "Why me?" Was all I asked.

I didn't want to be apart of all this drama.

All I wanted to do was help a disabled a teenager. And I can't even do that.

The next morning

I didn't want to go to school but then again I did want to. I didn't because of the fact that I would be facing more drama but I did wanted to just to make sure Isabel was okay.

But trying to check on her got Mikasa mad at me.

I didn't want that. I loved Mikasa and her only. Just because I'm trying to fix everything suddenly it's all my fault?

I don't blame her. Anyone in fact.

"Eren are you going to school today?" My mom asked when she appeared through the doorway.

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