Day 15 -Away?-

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Mikasa's POV

My heavy eyes finally opened as I saw Eren in my view. He was laying down on my lap from sitting on a chair.

He probably was watching me

I noticed I had tubes on my arms and I was plug up to a machine.

It's been a while since the crash that I actually used a machine to help me.

I reached my hand out to touch Eren's hair but noticed my arm wasn't going up at all.

Tears filled my eyes already.

How could I be paralysed again?!

It was either be able to move or die but I'm back from where I was years ago.

How could this happen to me

My silent crying must of woke Eren up because next thing I know his eyes met mine.

"Hey Mikasa it's going to be okay" he comfort me holding my hand.

I wanted to talk but noticed I couldn't.

"I promise everything is going to be okay" he said tightening his grip a little

He placed a small kiss on my hand as the door open with this unfamiliar guy that came in followed by a worried Hanji.

But she plastered a big fake smile to make it look like everything would be ok.

"Morning Eren and Mikasa everything is going fine we just need to take Mikasa for a couple of more test a-"

"And nothing more she doesn't need to take several test it will just mess her up" the man cut Hanji off as I sighed. My whole life was full of test. "Were taking you to a new hospital you can't stay here no more" he said and I know my face expression changed. I've been here all my life with Hanji and this is where I met Eren and my friends. Now I was leaving!???

To where tho???

Eren stood up. "Where exactly are you taking her? You can't just come here and take her!" He protested.

"Mp hospital has probably found the cure for her to walk again-" "probably???" Eren cut him off.

I wanted to hold his hand and tell him everything will be okay but you know.

"Eren it's okay I'm sure Nile knows what he is doing" Hanji said. The guy came over to me and set me in my wheelchair. "It's okay Doctor Hanji we will take extra care of her for you" he said rubbing my head. Did this mean I'll never see Eren again?

"Will I see her again?" Eren asked coming over next to me and holding my hand. It's like he could read my mind and by looking at me he knew what I was thinking.

"No you can't not what we will be doing to her" he said.

Those words hurt my heart.

I won't see Eren?

"But we will notify you when she is released" he said pushing me as I watch Eren hoping he do something.

"Wait! Can I at least have a few minutes with her" Eren says as he bends down next to me and cups my face with his hands.

His thumbs was rubbing against my cheeks. "I love you Mikasa and promise me I'll see you again" he says looking directly in my eyes.

I tried nodding but he got the hint as we looked at each other for a few. I didn't want to break down in front of him. He then pressed his soft lips against mine.

"I love you" he says standing up as my finger brushed passed his hands

I try to grip onto him not wanting to leave as I was pushed out the room.

I already missed him and I wasn't even out the hospital yet.

Eren's POV

I dunno why but as soon as she left the room I couldn't help but breakdown

I kept my composure around her because I didn't want her to see me cry.

Hanji embraced me, patting my back to comfort me.

"It's okay Eren I'll inform you if I need you or to tell you how Mikasa is doing" she tells me as I nod.

"You should get home though sweety I don't think there is anything you can do like that" Hanji says

"Your right bye Hanji" I wave as I start walking over to my house.

When I got home I laid down on the couch hearing my mom cooking.

"Hey Eren your back" my mom greet me.

"Yea I spent the night at the hospital" I tell her.

"Ooh what happened at the dance?" She asked. "Mikasa was there and she blacked out and became numb so I carried her to the hospital now some guy took her to a new hospital and they will notify me what happens" I explained.

"Awe poor darling I'm sure Mikasa will be okay plus I just literally made and passed out shirts around the neighborhood for Eremika!" My mom said holding out boxes of shirts.

I picked one up seeing me and Mikasa and kept one for myself.

"Wow you must ship us hard" I laughed.

"Mhm some girl came up to me and asked for a Ereri shirt people are crazy these days " my mom laughed.

"Oh and Armin bought 2 shirts so basically I'm rich!" My mom screamed.

"Darling you need to pipe down" my dad says coming in and putting his hat on.

"Where you going dad?" I asked. "Need to help a patient" he says. "See ya later" he waves and leaves.

"Oh screw your father he ships Eremin" my mom made a face saying.

"Me and Armin?" I asked. "Yea anyway want breakfast?" She asked. "Sure I am hungry" I say

I just wish and hope Mikasa got better

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