Day 9 -Mikasa's first day-

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Mikasa's POV:

I was so excited when Hanji came in to wake me up saying I was going somewhere special.

Hanji changed me into a thin shirt that had the sleeves of a jacket rolled up,blue ripped skinny jeans with black boots.

"You look so cute!" Hanji squealed. "Thanks" I blushed.

"Eren will be here soon in the mean time I'll push you out so he doesn't have to come all the way in" Hanji said.

"Okay" I spoke softly. She pushed me out and we waited outside.

"I hope you have fun and be safe and make sure your always around Eren" Hanji told me.

"I will ma'am thanks" I said.

Soon a car pulled up and I watched as Eren came out of it.

A huge smile appeared on my fast so quick

"Good morning Mika" he smiled walking up to me.

He bent down and placed a nice wet kiss on my cheek.

"Excited?" He asked.

"Yes but where are we going?" I asked.

"Secret" Hanji said in a hushing manner.

"Bye Mikasa and Eren watch her" "I will ma'am" he said and picked me up.

His mom came out and helped with the wheelchair as I was placed in the backseat.

He strapped me then got in next to me and did the same to himself

His mom then drove off heading into a direction I wasn't aware of.

We looked like we was going to Eren's house but we came up to a huge building.

People or age or looked pretty older was walking into it.

I was confused.

What is this place?

"Were here!" I heard Eren nearly shout as he got out of the car and helped with the wheelchair. He soon got me out of the car and placed me down gently in the moving chair.

"Where are we?" I asked. "Were at school" when he said that I felt my body heat up.

"S-school?" I stuttered. "Yep it's where me and the rest of your friends go" he said pushing me.

"Bye mom" he waved. "Wait a picture first" she said.

"UGH! Your so embarrassing" he stated as he bent down beside me and gave me another kiss on my cheek right when she snapped the picture.

"Cute!" She squealed then left.

"Your mom is like Mrs Hanji in a way" I said hearing him shudder.

"Is that a good thing?" He asked sarcastically. "Yep!"

As we went inside the school I immediately was given attention. All the teenagers looked at me with smiles on there faces and phones out taken pictures.

What was this feeling?

"Omg you must be the famous Mikasa everyone is talking about!" A girl with black pigtails squealed.

"Huh?" I asked a little confused and scared.

"Mikasa they've been waiting to see you ever since Christa took those pictures of you it even has a background of you" I heard Eren explain.

"They've been waiting for me?" I asked again. "Yep" he smiled.

"Everyone clear the halls!" A strict voice said as we saw a small teacher come to us.

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