Day 4-Friends-

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Eren's POV

It was lunch time and I was still thinking of Mikasa. Like I said she never left my mind.

In the pass 4 classes I was so excited to see her that I started having a lack in my work

I sat at the table with Armin, Annie, Christa,Bertholdt, Ymir and Jean.

"Hey Eren how have you been?" Christa asked.

"Yea we heard you got a job" Annie said. "What's that about?"

I shrugged.

"I'm volunteering at a hospital to help kids but while the doctors handled the kids I've been taking care of a girl my age" I explained.

"Cool what's her name?" Armin asked. "Her name is Mikasa she has been living in the hospital her whole life and is paralyzed" I told.

"Awe" Christa frowned. "Yea ya want to visit her later on today?" I asked.

They all nodded

"Sure I can't wait to see her" Jean smirked with Ymir hitting him. "Don't get any ideas!" She pointed out.

Jean was.......not only a horse but a pervert to

"Okay we can walk it isn't that far" I said.

"Sweet tell us about her" Bertholdt suggested as they all agreed interested.

*Time skip*

Later on today when the last bell rung we all met up at the front of the school.

"Hey guys can't wait?" I asked. "This should be fun I asked the newspaper crew for there camera so that she can be in the year book" Christa said holding up the camera

"That's sweet" I said as we all started walking.

"Does she have any dreams?" Annie asked. "Yea one actually she wants to go outside and see the world" I said.

"Then we should all do something with her" Armin said.

"Yea hey guys this Saturday its going to be kind of hot we should go to the beach" Ymir said. "Great idea" Armin said.

As we came to the hospital I signed in and luckily I saw Hanji.

"Hey Hanji these are my friends and they want to see Mikasa" I told.

"Okay nice for her to meet new people oh and she has been waiting to see you" Hanji smiled winking at me.

I blushed and we headed along walking down the halls and stuff until we came to a room.

"Is this it?" Jean asked. "Naw Mikasa isn't behind the door on the other side is Narnia" Ymir said sarcastically

I opened the door seeing Mikasa on the bed sleeping and couldn't help but see how cute she was.

"Awe she is sleeping" Armin frowned. "Its okay she is fine" I said. "So this is Mikasa not only is she our age but she is hot as-" "shut up" Ymir clutched her hand into a fist.

"Sorry!" He said.

I guess jean was to loud because Mikasa's eyes shot open and she looked around the room full of strangers to her but relaxed seeing me.

"Hey Mikasa sorry to wake you from your sleep" I apologized.

She smiled. I guess she was okay with it. "Can she talk?" Bertholdt asked. "No we use cards to talk with her" I said holding them up.

Jean snatched them and sat down beside the bed startling Mikasa. "Its okay Mikasa" I said.

"Hey Mikasa am I cute?" Jean asked. "Whatever card she looks at is her answer" I told jean

Mikasa looked at no. "Dammit" Jean cursed. "Stop jean no cursing!" Christa yelled at him. "Do you want to date me?" He asked.

"Um no she doesn't" I said taking the cards. Christa got her phone out and recorded her.

"Okay Mikasa this is Jean, the tall guy is Bertholdt, this sweet girl is Christa this girl is the opposite of sweet her name is Annie, this guy isn't a girl and his name is Armin, that's Ymir, and you know me" I introduced.

"H-hi" she managed to say as we all got kind of shocked and clapped for her.

Its like seeing a baby walk on its two legs the first time. That's how exciting it was to hear her.

"And were your friends" Annie said. She smiled big.

"Hey Mikasa want to take pictures for our school yearbook you'll be in it" Christa asked holding the camera.

"Do you know what she means?" I asked her. Her smile faded so I guess no.

"It where your in a book of people who goes to our school and when your in it people know you" I told.

She nodded a bit. "Okay let's take a picture altogether but I want another picture with Eren and Mikasa together" Christa said as we all crowded around her. She smiled when we did and Christa took the picture

"So cute" Christa commented looking at it. "Now Eren get close to your girlfriend" Armin smirked

I rolled my eyes.

I went next to her and holded Mikasa close to me as we both smiled with Christa taking three pictures of us

For the next 1-2 hours Mikasa got to know all of us and we was telling her about school. She seemed so interested.

Mikasa POV:

It was fun meeting Eren's friends. They was all so funny and it made me happy that Eren told them about me.

I was so interested in the stories they told me about a place called school where they went to go learn.

I want to go to school and be with Eren

"Hey Mikasa this Saturday we are going to the beach can't wait to see what bathing suit you'll wear" Jean blushed making me red.

"Jean shut up don't worry about it" Eren said.

The beach!

I've always wanted to go there. The water would look so clear and beautiful and the waves that the surfers would dare to surf, the beautiful sea animals that lived in the ocean.

I couldn't wait to go!

"Its getting late I should be going see you later Mikasa can't wait to see you on Saturday" Ymir waved as Christa bowed. "Nice meeting you dear" she said.

I was sad.

Because if they was leaving that meant Eren would leave at some point to.

Soon only Eren was in the room.

"You seemed happier then ever Mika" Eren said bending down to me. "I'm glad I can make you this happy" he said kissing my cheek.

I lifted my hand a bit seeing it shake a little as I forced it to move higher. Eren grabbed it and pulled my hand down.

"Everything will be okay Mikasa" he told me. "I got to go Mikasa and I'll pray for you tonight" he said.

When he tried to let go of me I gripped on tighter to him making a noise.

"Mika?" He asked. "L-l-love y-you" I managed to say. It took a lot of work

His face turned red but he didn't do anything. "I love you to and your getting so much better" he said and left.

That felt good.

Hey Mind guess what?

I finally have friends. Not just one but 7 of them. Bertholdt, Annie,Ymir, Armin, Christa, Jean and Eren

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