~Arguing the truth~

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Eren's POV

I was depressed.

I'm not even sure Mikasa likes me anymore. I feel used and abandoned, thrown away like the last,small frie in the cup that no one wanted to eat. Abandoned like all the friends you ever had planned to go somewhere and don't invite you.

I felt really used right now. Betrayed and hurt.

I thought I was everything Mikasa ever wanted and for the whole day I've been thinking if she actually loved me.

She loved me a lot ever since she was in the hospital.

But now that she is out she's become a totally different person. She hangs out with her friends more then me, talks to guys and hold there hands! I was crazy jealous. She doesn't even treat me like I'm her boyfriend anymore. I guess I have to try better but if that's the case then I guess I'm not really worth it.

I'll pack her things and she can go live wherever. As long as she wasn't with me.

I looked at my clock that read 4:37 pm. She should at least be coming back by now. She hasn't even texted me which meant she probably hasn't realized my being for not attending school. She probably doesn't even care.

"Are you okay son?" My dad asked while coming in.

He had the day off so he has been cleaning and paying the bills needed while I mopped around.

What was I going to say to her when she got back?

Should I be mad? Or should I give her a full pardon?

Psh what am I to give her a pardon when she literally has been ignoring me ever since when!

"No I feel like a used piece of Candy wrapper" I muttered while putting the pillow over my face.

"Is it about Mikasa and how she has been hanging out with her friends more then you?" He asked.

I nodded without saying anything.

"It's not fair dad, she loved me a lot when I was looking after her, now that she attends school it's like I'm a ghost or something!" I exclaimed while letting out a annoyed cry.

"Son you have to realize she is a girl that has been in a hospital her whole life, she just wants to enjoy life before life gives out on her first, she wants to have and do things she thought she would never do, she's also a girl Eren so why don't you expect this? It's just how it works, don't be mad at her just accept it but if she's doing this on purpose then talk to her about it" he explains all father like.

I couldn't help but feel guilty now. But what was there to feel guilty about? I bought her things but she's always out to even accept them.

"But dad, she's been hanging out with guys!" I growled in anger while clutching my fist.

"She goes on and on about Jean" I huffed.

"It's how things work but she needs her time away from you, let her enjoy her space but you can still talk to her and be a couple don't act like a stranger!" He protested.

I was totally against the idea of me just letting her do whatever she wants while I sit around.

Ever since the hospital we barely talked and im pretty sure I gave her all the space she needed.

But I sighed and agreed anyway even though I didn't.

I just knew if I agreed he would get out my room faster.

"Well I hope things turn out good between you two, if you need me I'll be cooking dinner" he says before leaving my room. I just sighed before going back into thoughts.

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