Day 8 -waiting-

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Mikasa's POV:

Monday. One of those days were Eren visit's me late...wonder why he does come late I thought

I sighed and started watching TV

I was so bored and wanted to be with Eren. Hanji said I couldn't text Eren or call him because he was at school.

What's school? Was all I wondered

Whatever it was I wanted to go so I could see Eren.

Great now I'll be waiting till 4-5 when he gets here.

Eren's POV:

Mikasa was on my mind the whole time while I was in third period aka us history.

I was so into thought that I didn't know my teacher was calling me.

"Eren!" She finally managed to get me out of my thoughts.

"Hm?" I asked. "Meet me after class" she said with a serious tone. "What I do?" I whispered to Armin

"You rode the train to hell" he said with a chuckle

When the bell rung I waited until the whole class left and walked up to the front of the room meeting my teachers gaze.

"Eren I am really concerned about you your grades have been dropping you went from an A to a C" my teacher said making me flinch.

Gosh the thought of Mikasa was making me fail!

"S-sorry I promise it won't happen again" I apologized.

"Don't say sorry to me say sorry to yourself because in the end there will be a consequence" my teacher said coldly

"Out" she pointed to the door as I frowned.

That really hit me.

I went out the door and sighed as I walked to school.

Could she at least write me a pass so I have an excuse on why I'm late to fourth period

*Time skip*

The bell rung for school to end as I walked down the stairs to the entrance of my school.

I looked at the streets of my choice. If I walked to the right I would go to the hospital and see Mikasa

Or my left. And make up all the time I lost for my studies.

I didn't know which was worse

The girl I cared for so much or my studies.

"Sorry Mikasa" I said and walked home.

When I got home my mom seemed kind of surprised I was back.

"Hey darling why aren't you at the hospital?" She asked. "I have to make up all the time I lost of studies" I said.

"What about Mikasa?" She asked. "Mikasa is getting in the way of my grades and if I want to keep my degree of being a doctor I have to work" I said.

I ran upstairs feeling the pair of eyes that watched me.

I went in my room and closed the door and plopped on my bed and started doing my work.

I had so much work to do plus the two projects that was due this week.

Gosh why was Mikasa so distracting!

I want to go see her but then I'll end up failing all my classes and being ranked last.

I couldn't do that it will ruin my career!

I felt my pocket vibrate and took out my phone seeing Mikasa had text me.

-Where r u?

I didn't reply.

-Are you coming?

Tears welled up in my eyes. Why was I doing this to a girl that was in a hospital her whole life?!

Does my grades really matter?

Or did my girlfriend. If I don't go I would definitely regret this

But if I do go...

"In the end there will be a consequence"

I felt my eyes widen. There's a consequence for everything!

Another vibrate.

-I wish u was here I miss you so much

Dammit Eren just make up your mind!

-I've been waiting all day for you

I gulped. The guilt!

I decided to text back.

-sorry can't make it have to do homework

-oh okay

I felt so bad!!!

-sorry I can't come I will be there tomorrow morning to see you promise
-Okay! Can't wait to see u baby!❤❤❤

That felt good!!!!

So relieved. After my homework which I finished at 8:00 exactly cause I'm a true boss like that I cleaned up for a few.

Then I got a call from Hanji.

"Hey Hanji what's up?"

"Nun I got something to tell you"

"What is it?"

"So Mikasa wants to know what school is and I was wondering if you can take her I already registered her" Hanji said.

"Really! Then I'll be able to pick her up thanks Hanji!"

"No prob I made sure she got every class with you because she means a lot to you"


"No prob anyway bye"

"Mkay bye!"

I put my phone up. More good news now my girlfriend would be experiencing a high school life

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