Epilogue 4/4

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Eren's POV

It was 12:13 in the morning and I was still watching the doors closely waiting for the doctors to come out with Mikasa's results. I couldn't sleep, I didn't have the time to sleep when I could be spending the rest of my time with Mikasa. Er whatever time she did have left.

Everyone else had left because either their parents was worried about them or they was getting tired.

The ones that remained was Sasha, Jean, Bertholdt, Christa and Ymir.

They all engulfed themselves in a conversation while watching a movie that played on the small television.

My parents laid peacefully on the small couch together and I was the only one doing nothing but watching the door.

Please be okay I prayed to myself. I've never been loosing hope, she should be living, there is so much things I've still wanted to do with her still. But as of now with her in this state I don't think we would get the chance.

"Eren" I hear Bertholdt call my name.

He sits beside me which meant we was sitting together in a deserted row of chairs.

"You need to stop worrying, I'm sure everything is okay" he assumed.

"I'm not going to immediately assume that Bertholdt. This is a life or death situation for her and right now death could be winning, you saw how she was bleeding out and could barely talk...It's all happening to fast" I sniffed.

"Plus you're lucky you have nothing to worry about, after all your girlfriend isn't the one laying in a hospital bed hooked up to those damn machines" I retorted.

"What girlfriend? You mean the one that used me to make you Jealous?! Annie? That girl?" He argued sarcastically.

"Eren she doesn't even like me like that, I loved her but she wanted you not me so what's the point?" He growled.

I stayed quiet forgetting how he was used.

I sighed heavily. "I just hope she's okay" I say laying my head down.

"I'm sure she is, she wouldn't dare leave you by yourself" He comforts me.

The doors suddenly burst open and startled I look up to see a female nurse and male doctor walking out. I stood up and quickly walked over to them.

"How is she?" I asked twiddling with my fingers. The female nurse sighs. "We aren't done with her just yet but I think right now its best if you all just go home we can't have any visitors as of now" the nurse suggested.

"But how is she? I need to know if she's okay!" I announced. "Eren we are doing all we can but right now Mikasa is doing just fine come tomorrow and the results should be in by then" the doctor speaks up.

"C'mon Eren let's just go" My mom speaks wide awake now.

"But..." I trailed off and slumped my shoulders. I hope she was alright.

"Can I at least say goodnight to her?" I asked. "No Eren she's in surgery" the nurse says.

The two waves us off and now everyone is leaving.

"I'm sure everything will be okay Eren" Ymir says in a soothing, confident tone.

"I hope" I muttered.

"Goodnight Eren" all my friends say. They give me tight hugs and peck my cheeks before heading home.

I enter the car with my parents and we pull away from the hospital.

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