Soft Whispers (Princeton love story)

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Wake up....
Wake. Up.
Jacob..... Wake..... Up....
Jacob, wake up!

The voices broke me away from my precious slumber. I sat up and mumbled inaudible words. 

What did you say?

"I said, I'm awake" I repeated. I yawned and pushed the blanket off of me. I stood to my feet and rubbed my arm gently. I walked to my closet and carefully chose out my clothes for the day. When I had them, I slowly walked to my bathroom, I closed the door and locked it.

Move faster, you're going to be late.

I let a soft groan escape my mouth, "I'm going, I'm going" I said in a husky voice. I stripped from my clothes and turned the shower nozzle to warm. I took my shower and after I got dressed I brush my teeth and washed off my face.

I walked down the stairs and went to the kitchen. I picked up an apple from the fruit bowl on the island. I was about to head out but.....

Tell your mother you're leaving

I rolled my eyes in annoyance "I'm leaving!" I yelled.

She didn't hear you

I scoffed "oh trust me, she heard me". I picked up my bag and put it on, I made sure I had my house keys and my apple before I left the house. I quietly walked down the sidewalk alone.

Pick up your pace, you'll miss the bus

"I'll be fine" I said simply, I continued down the sidewalk at a normal steady walking pace. Within ten minutes the bus drove by me. "Shoot" I said lowly, I took off down the sidewalk so I could get to the bus stop before the bus did.

We told you

I managed to roll my eyes as I came to a halt at the bus stop. I caught my breath and watched as the bus pulled up and came to a slow stop. I waited until the doors opened before stepping on. The minute I stepped on I heard many different kids' voices. "Hey Perez! Had a nice run?" One kid asked with a big laugh, his name was Chresanto.

Ignore him

I sat right behind the driver seat. "Don't think sitting up there will help you" I heard Chresanto say. I focused on the apple I was holding, oh how I wanted to chuck it at him so bad. 

Chresanto has been messing with me for as long as I can remember. Ever since I switched to a different school actually. As soon as I stepped into my first class he began to mess with me. It's my fault I guess, he saw me as an easy target.

I was brought back to reality when I heard Chresanto say "I know you hear me talking to you, faggot". I narrowed my eyes in anger. I stared at the apple in my hand.

Do it, throw it

He was making the voices mad, which scared me a bit. I shook my head a little "no, I can't" I replied.

Yes, you can

I sighed "hey faggot, you still hearing those stupid voices of yours?" He asked, kids laughter followed.

Throw it

"No" I said lightly, "you don't know how dumb that makes you look and sound. A kid your age hearing voices, you're a retard" Chresanto stated.

Do it! Just throw it! He won't see it coming

I suddenly felt a tingly sensation going through my fingers and hands. "Oh no" I mumbled lightly, I found myself standing up and turning towards the back of the bus.

I raised my arm and threw the apple right at Chresanto. "Quit fucking talking about me!" I yelled at him, but it wasn't me; it was the voices. They had taken control.

"Did you really just throw a fucking apple at me?" Chresanto asked slowly. "Yes, the fuck I did, leave me alone" I answered as I turned back around and sat down. Obviously the voices weren't as mad as I thought they were. Something much worse could've escaped my mouth. It surely has before.

Before I could really settle in my seat I felt a hand grab my hair. It was Chresanto.He pulled my head back before driving his fist onto my face. It hurt like hell. I bit my lip to keep from groaning in pain, I couldn't even prepare myself for the next hard punch.

I could hear the other kids' laughter filling the bus. "Chresanto, you leave that boy alone!" The bus driver yelled, "don't make me stop this bus". He didn't listen, he just kept on with what he was doing.

"Chresanto August, sit down" the driver said seriously as she abruptly stopped the bus. In response Chresanto released my hair from his hand. "That'll teach you" he growled, I placed my hand under my nose and realized I was bleeding. The fuzzy feeling in my fingers and hands abruptly returned.

I turned and saw Chresanto standing in the aisle a few seats away. I got up and mumbled an inaudible word before tackling Chresanto into an empty. "My lord, it's too early in the morning for all of this!" The bus driver yelled. I balled my hands into fists and socked Chresanto right in the eye, next was his jaw. 

I got a couple more hits in before I was pulled off of him. "That'll teach you!" I growled back at him. I could tell he was ready lunge at me but I was pulled into a seat by a person who I didn't know. 

"Dude, you need to chill out" I looked at the person in confusion. It was a boy, he was darker than my caramel skin complexion. He had two long braids as his hair style.

"Chresanto August will beat your ass man, you need to learn your place and quick" he explained. "Excuse me, but uh... Who the hell are you exactly?" I asked, "Rayan, but call me Ray Ray or Ray for short alright?" I nodded a little in response.

I placed my hand under my nose again to see if I was still bleeding. I was, but only a little. "You're Jacob right?" Ray asked me, I nodded "yeah".

"You go by Jacob, or?" I shrugged lightly "I don't know, sometimes, I really answer to Princeton or Prince" "what's Princeton got anything to do with Jacob?" He asked.

I shook my head "it doesn't, I just know a lot about the music background, like a lot. So since I do, people started calling me Princeton" I looked at Rayan, "cause of the college".


As I walked off the bus the driver handed me a tissue and said "don't let Chresanto get you" I nodded slightly before stepping off. When I got into the building Rayan passed by me and said "see you around". I nodded and tried my best to not run into people. I failed. I got pushed to the side by a bunch of people who I did and did not know. 

They can't just push you around

"Yes, they can, just let it go. Y'all are the reason why I got punched by Chresanto" I said lowly. 

Sorry about that

I rolled my eyes "yeah, whatever".

We really are sorry

"I said, whatever"



Are you mad?

"No" I said as I trudged further down the hall. "Quit talking to yourself, you freak" a random girl with long blonde hair said as she pushed me to get by. I stopped walking and watched her as she continued down the hallway.

It's something different, but I think I really like it. This is just a sneek peek, but it does count as the first chapter of the book. I'm not sure when the second chapter will be posted. I hope you liked it and I would love some feed back if you have any.

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