Chapter Nine

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::Jacob's P.O.V::

I let Bria, Jordan, and Jazmyne drag me into the mall. I followed behind them as we walked into a store that was unfamiliar to me. I watched as the girls split up and went in separate directions. I stood there awkwardly.

What in the hell is going on?

"I don't know" I said lightly, "come on Jacob" Bria said as she walked back over to me. She took my hand in hers and pulled me over to the shirts. "What do you like over here?" She asked curiously, I shrugged "I don't know, the um plaid one looks nice" "which color? Blue, red, green, or grey?" "Red".

"Okay" she said as she pulled three red plaid shirts. "Let's go, follow me" she said as she began to walk off, I followed after her. She met up with Jazmyne and Jordan. Jazmyne had different pairs of jeans, and Jordan had stud ear-rings.

"How many piercings do you have?" Jordan asked, "three" I answered. Jazmyne gave me the pants she picked out and Bria gave me the shirts. I stood there for a minute before they shood me into the dressing room.

I walked into an empty dressing room and closed the door behind me.

You've got a couple of things to try on, don't you?

I nodded a little, "I do".

::Bria's P.O.V::

After a few minutes passed Jacob came back out. "The pants are too short" he said simply, "we see that" Jazmyne said with a laugh. "I'll go try again" she quickly added before disappearing. I looked at Jordan who was smiling, "well the shirt looks nice on you" she stated.

"Really?" She nodded "don't you think Bri?" I smiled and said "yeah, it makes you look hot". I watched as his cheeks turned a shade of red. He turned away and disappeared back into the dressing room. "He's so cute and innocent" Jordan said with a small laugh.

"I've got more pants" Jazmyne said, "here" she handed them to me. "Go take them to your soon to be bf" I rolled my eyes at her statement but stood up and walked into the dressing room. I looked around, I didn't know which one of the rooms he was in. 

"Jacob?" I said as I looked around, he suddenly poked his head out of one of the rooms. I walked over to him and gave him the pants, "I didn't mean to make you blush out there, sorry" I apologized. He shrugged "it's okay".


::Jacob's P.O.V::

"I like the shirt" I said simply, Bria was holding up a shirt that she had her eye on for a while now. It was a crop top, one of those shirts that stopped short. "You should try it on" I said to her.

You just want to see her stomach

I shrugged gently "maybe". I watched her as she disappeared into the dressing room. I sat down in a chair and waited for her to return. "It looks good on you" I said once she walked out with the shirt on, she smiled "thanks, I got a feeling if Rayan saw it he would think differently".


"No way" Ray said once Bria appeared in the living room with the shirt on. "Do you see this? That's stomach, I shouldn't be able to see stomach" he informed.

"You're shorts are too short also" he added, "I was going to wear jeans" Bria said calmly "oh, okay, good. I still don't like the shirt, there's going to be a bunch of boys there. Who may or may not be drunk, also they're going to be hormonal. I don't want a guy trying to get into your pants" he explained.

I smiled a little but said nothing. "Okay" Bria said with a shrug, "okay?" Ray repeated. Bria nodded, "yeah, okay" she turned and walked up the steps and disappeared from sight. Ray rubbed the back of his neck "well, that was... Um easy".

He turned and looked at me, I watched as he sat down. "What's a high school party like again?" I asked, he shrugged "fun I guess, there's usually alcohol. The only non-alcoholic drink there is water, which you usually get from the sink. Ummm.... There's music, loud music. There's a whole lot of people, a lot of touching, and sometimes drugs" he answered casually. "Really?" I said lightly, he nodded "yup".


"Mom, I'm home" I said as I walked up the stairs. "Okay, hun" I heard her reply, "hun? What happened to honey?" I asked, I walked to her room and saw her sitting on her bed. A lot of papers were scattered all over the bed, "what's all this?" I questioned.

"Bills" "oh" she nodded "yeah" I sighed in disappointment. "Jacob, I think.... I think we may have to move" mom suddenly stated. I stood up straighter, "what?" "I think we may have to move. I can barely pay the bills, if we move into a smaller home then the bills will most likely get lower. I'm thinking about moving to a different state" she explained.

"No, no, no mom, we have to stay here" I exclaimed, "we have to, I was just making friends. I was just beginning to... To fit in, I can't throw that all away and start over again in a different state; at a different school. I'll help around the house..... I'll get a job, I'm old enough, I'll get a job so I can help you with the bills" I offered.

"Jacob, I don't want you worrying about finding a job so soon, you're still a teenager" "I'm turning eighteen next year, I'll be fine. Plus it'll help me decide what I want to do in the future, I'll look around for jobs that are hiring and see what I can do. We can't move mom, we just got settled in. Please just let me do this" I begged.

She looked at me, "you're just like your father, so outspoken", she sighed "okay, okay I'll let you do what you have to do. You can find a job if you truly want to, but Jacob Perez, I swear if this job gets in the way of school I'll ma-" "I'll quit if it does, I promise". She stood up and I walked to her, "I'll make it work" I said truthfully, "I promise". She smiled, "okay" she kissed me on the forehead. "Go get ready for bed okay?" I nodded "okay".
I hope you liked this chapter.
Sorry for any mistakes.

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