Chapter Twenty-Nine (Finale)

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::Jacob's P.O.V::

"Hey, Ray, I was just calling to say thanks for being my friend, I know it's kind of late and out of the blue... But I just wanted to say thanks" I hung up the phone and walked downstairs to my mom. "You love me right?" I asked as I sat down next to her.

"No matter all of the stupid things that I do? Like cut and stuff" she nodded and said "of course, why wouldn't I? I know you do those things for a reason". I nodded a little and said "okay" "why do you ask?" She questioned. "No reason, I just... Wanted to know" I answered.


I paced around my room, and pulled out my phone. I called Jordan, "hello" she greeted. "Hi, Jordan, I just wanted to say thank you" "for?" "Not leaving like everyone else has" informed. "Oh, you're welcome" I smiled a little, "well, that was all". "Oh, hey Jacob, can I use you a picture of you for my art project?" "Um, sure" "kay thanks, bye, see you tomorrow" "bye".

After hanging up, I called Jazmyne but she didn't answer. I ended up leaving a message similar to Rayan's.


Take those pills and we swear Jacob, we're making you kill everyone!
You know what we're capable of, we made you kill Tony.

"Stop bringing him up, that was a mistake okay" I mumbled.


I stared at the tracks, I quickly looked around and realized no one was in the train section. I ran my hand through my hair and sighed, "thinking about jumping?" I turned around and saw Tony. He was a boy at my school, he didn't like me. "You should, no one would miss you" he said seriously. "Leave me alone" I mumbled. "Just do it Jake, just jump" I could hear a train coming from afar.

He should be taught a lesson.

"You're not normal, you're weird as hell" he stated. The train was coming closer, I could see it now.

Do it Jacob, teach him a lesson.

"You're a damn faggot!" He yelled, my fingers began to tingle.

Don't worry, we'll do it for you.

"No, wait!" I cried out, but it was too late. The voices had taken over. The voices grabbed Tony by his shirt and spun me and him around. "You will learn to leave me alone!" The voices screamed, next thing the voices did was push Tony off the platform and he fell onto the tracks. He groaned and laid there.

See easy.

I gasped, "get up" I whispered, "get up Tony, come on". I saw the train coming closer, "come on, come on" I urged. Tony finally managed to stand to his feet, but it was too late. "Tony!" I screamed, next the train hit him.

Blood. That's all I felt was his blood splatter across my face. Tears filled my eyes and I stood there, the train zooming past. I could see my reflection in the windows. My face was blank and splotches of red covered my cheeks and forehead. I wiped my forehead, and I caused a red streak.

"You killed him" I whispered.

No, you did. Who are they going to think did it? You, or us? They don't even know about us, and they are going to think you're crazy as hell if you mention us.

::End Flashback::

Tony's death was ruled a suicide. No one was there to see me push him. No one. My life went on, and every time August 12th comes around, I can't help but vision Tony. His body, the blood, everything. Ruled a suicide, it was all over the news. No one understood why he would just suddenly 'kill himself'. If only they knew that he didn't. If only they knew that he was pushed. I pushed him. I killed him.

Someone still needs to die, Jacob.

I nodded a little and said "I know, and I have made my decision". I looked at the noose knot that I had made. I pulled a chair over to my closet, and sighed. "I'm going to kill myself" I said lightly.

Wait, what!? You can't, you weren't one of the options!

I shook my head a little and said "I don't care". I brought the chair under the noose and stared at it for a while. "The only way I'm getting rid of you all... Is if I take those pills, or I kill myself" I explained.

Take the pills Jacob!

"No, I'm not killing my friends" I said lightly, I stepped onto the chair. "I've made my decision" I whispered, I placed the noose around my neck and took a deep breath. Did I really want to do this? I nodded a little and said "yes".

My tears suddenly appeared and I wiped them away. "Don't back out now" I said lightly.

It's okay to back out.

"No, it's not" I replied, I took one last deep breath before swiftly kicking the chair from beneath my feet. The rope burned as it dug into my skin. I began to gasp for the air that I desperately needed. I couldn't get any though, I dangled there as my hands pried at the rope. Funny how I once wanted to kill myself, but now I'm trying to save myself.

You made a big mistake.
You didn't need to do this.

It began to grow dark as I was beginning to lose feeling, and consciousness.

You didn't need to kill yourself.

The voices began to sound far away and lighter as I began to fade away from the real world. I was dying. I saw no white light, just darkness. I guess I was going to rot in hell, instead of living another life up in heaven.

It's been fun Jacob Perez.
We'll miss you.

I stopped struggling and managed to smile. The loud voices.... Were now... Just...

Soft whispers.
Sorry for any mistakes, and this is the last chapter : (
I had a lot of fun writing this story, and thank you for sticking around and reading it. I hope you enjoyed.

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