Chapter Five

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::Jacob's P.O.V::

Jacob, wake up, you're going to be late

I groaned lightly, "I'm not going".

Why not?

"Because, now leave me alone" I turned over and covered my head with my blanket.

Does your mom know?

"Yes" I answered, "she does".

Why aren't you going?

"I don't want to be bothered today" I answered simply.


::Bria's P.O.V::

"Where's Jacob?" Jazmyne asked me as we sat at the table in the cafeteria. I shrugged "I don't know, he didn't show up today". "Oh man, I wanted to see my gbf today" Jordan said lightly, "Jordan" Jazmyne said "yeah?" "Shut up".

I smiled a little, "where's your brother?" Jazmyne asked to me, "sitting with the football players" "I thought he didn't like any of them..." "He doesn't, it's like.... I don't know, he just sits with them sometimes, I guess since Jacob didn't come today, he sat with them" I explained.

"He could've sat with us" Jordan suddenly stated, "he likes us and all but no" Jazmyne replied. I turned my head and looked over at Rayan, he was joking around with one of the guys from the team.

::Rayan's P.O.V::

"Nah, man, it didn't go down like that!" He exclaimed, I nodded "yeah it did, don't lie" I said with a laugh. "Okay, maybe" "I told you" I picked up a French fry and dipped it into my ketchup, "you knew she was cheating, you just ain't do nothin about it" I explained.

"Aye, Rayan, where's your friend?" Trevor suddenly questioned, "excuse me?" I asked in confusion. "You know, the kid... Kind of tall, brown eyes, big ass afro?" "Oh, you mean Jacob" Chresanto suddenly stated, I glanced at him and saw he had a smirk on his face.

"I don't know, he's not here today, why?" I asked quizzically, Trevor shrugged "nothing, I was just wondering, I see you hanging around him most of the time" "oh". "That kid's weird" Michael suddenly pointed out, "he's got no friends and he talks to himself".

"Not too mention he's a little on the off side" Jackson added, "a little? He's completely off and he seems gay". I chuckled before shaking my head "you guys sound like a bunch of homophobic bastards".


::Bria's P.O.V::

"Where are you going?" Rayan asked as I walked down the hall, it was the end of the school day and I honestly was ready to go home.

"Well, I was going home.... But I think I'm going to swing by Jacob's house with Jazmyne and Jordan" I answered, "why?" I shrugged "I don't know, just to see if he's alright".

He titled his head to the side "you care about him, yet you've only known him.... For a short period of time" I nodded and said "yeah, well bye now, I'll see you at home" "um... Okay".

Once I found Jordan and Jazmyne, we headed to Jacob's house. "You sure you know where you going?" Jazmyne asked to me, I nodded "yeah". "What if he doesn't want to be bothered?" Jordan asked, "well, he's going to be bothered today" Jazmyne answered.


::Jacob's P.O.V::

"Jacob hun" I heard my mom call, I walked out of my room "yeah?" "You've got company" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion "company?" I walked down the hallway and to the stairs.

"Who is it?" I asked as I walked down the stairs, I walked to the front door and saw Bria, Jazmyne, and Jordan. "Oh, it's you guys" I said with a small nod, "hi" "hey Jacob" Jazmyne and Jordan greeted, "hi" Bria said lightly.

I looked at my mom "oh" she said softly, "I'll leave" I watched as she turned and walked away. She disappeared upstairs. "So, um, what'd you come here for?" I asked, "well, since you didn't come to school today Bria thought it'd be a good idea to see if you were okay" Jordan explained.

"Oh, I'm fine, I just.... Didn't want to come today because I uh, didn't feel well this morning" I explained.

She cares for you

I looked at Bria and smiled, "you guys can come in" I said as I stepped to the side. They walked in and I gently closed the door behind them, "did I miss anything today at school?" I asked as I guided them into the living room.

"No, not really" Bria answered, "well there was a fight that broke out on the east hall" Jazmyne pointed out. "Really?" Jordan asked, Jazmyne nodded in response "man, I missed it? Who was fighting?"

"Ummm..... I heard it was between Joshua and.... Dylan?" "Oh, damn, Dylan can fight too" Jordan said lightly, "what were they fightin for?" Bria shook her head a little "probably over something stupid". 


Jazmyne, Jordan, and Bria stayed over for about an hour and half. We didn't do anything in particular, just sat around and had a conversation. The girls left one at time, first it was Jordan. She had to get home because she had homework to complete, then it was Jazmyne; who left because her mom needed her home. The two just decided to walk home together, while Bria stayed around for a bit longer. 

"I should probably start to head home" she said as she looked at her phone, "Ray should be home soon, and I wanna get there before he does so I can hog the bathroom and make him angry". I smiled at her comment before saying "do you want me to walk you home?" "That'd actually be nice, thank you". 


"I don't know, I just..... I didn't really like where I was at the time" I explained to Bria as we walked down the sidewalk, "I felt like I really, really, really did not fit in at that specific school". I placed my hands in my sweatjacket's pockets.

"No one wanted to be friends with me because they didn't like me" I shrugged lightly, "and I still have no idea why". Bria gave me a small smile "well you know what?" I looked at her "no, what?"

"I like you, and so does Jazmyne, Jordan, and Ray. That's all that really matters right?" I nodded "yeah". "You don't need a lot of fake friends, all you really need is a couple real ones" she explained, "and that's what you got; a couple of real friends".


"Thanks for taking the time to walk me home" Bria said to me as we stepped onto her porch, "no problem" I answered.

"Listen, Jacob, I um.... I know I just met you about a week ago, and I know we haven't had that much time to really get to know each other but I'm glad that we're starting to" she said simply. I smiled "me too" "again thanks" before I could process what was really happening she kissed me on the cheek and slipped into her house. 

She really just.... Kissed you, it was on the cheek but still

"Yeah.... She did" I said lightly as I turned around and walked to the sidewalk. I squinted my eyes as I thought to myself. I was shocked, not because she kissed me but because it felt right; I liked it.
Sorry for any mistakes, I didn't proof read.
I decided to post a chapter today, it's my way of celebrating! I'm in FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) and we had a regional competition today. I took a seventy-five question, one hour test on proofreading and editing, and got first place. I took home a plaque, and now I get to go to the state competition. Two of my other friends received first place also, one in public speaking and the other in reciting the creed. I'm so proud of us : )

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