Chapter Twenty

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::Jacob's P.O.V::

Just like you, she is worthless

I stood from afar and watched Bria. She was talking to Jordan and Jazmyne. "She's not worthless" I mumbled, "don't say that about her". 

It's true

"No, it's not"

Suuure okay, says the feak

"No, need to be rude"

We will be the death of you, Jacob Perez. Remember that.


"I forgive you" the words escaped my mouth way too fast, Rayan turned and looked at me "what?" "I forgive you" I repeated slowly. "Oh, thanks" "mhm" I hummed lightly, "you wanna walk home with me?" I asked. "Sure, why not" he answered, we walked out of the school together. 

"So, um, about these.... Uh, voices" Ray said as we walked down the sidewalk, "yeah, what about them?" "How long have you been... Hearing them?" "Since I was twelve". "How'd you react when you first heard them?" "I was scared, and confused" I said lightly. "I wanted them to go away, but... They wouldn't, so... I had to cope with them" I quickly added. 



I looked around, my small afro whipping around in the air. "Who said that?" I asked curiously.

Why, we did. Who else of course?

"Who are you and why can't I see you?" 

We don't have a name. We're inside of you, inside of your mind. We are you

I bit my lip lightly, "I'm losing my mind"

Yes, indeed you are. You'll be losing it for the rest of your life, trust us. We know.

::End Flashback::

"I sat there for a good two hours just talking to the voices in my head" I explained softly, "they were nicer back then" I added. Ray looked at me, "they make me do bad things sometimes, things I don't want to do" I stated. "Like?" He asked, I pulled up the sleeves of my shirt.

"Like this, you were the cause of most of them though" I said quietly, "are you foreal?" I nodded. "I'm sorry" he quickly apologized, "I... I caused you to cut yourself" he said to himself. "It's whatever" I reassured, "no, it's not Jacob, you took a blade to your skin because of me!" He exclaimed. 


I sat in the corner of the room. The room was dimly lit and my face was wet with tears. The voices were angry with me. I told Rayan about them and now they're angry. 

You dumbass!
How dare you tell someone about us!
You have completely fucked up!

"Stop, stop, stop" I said lightly, "stop yelling". I rubbed my temples. 

Oh, are we making your head hurt Jacob?

I nodded a little and said a quiet "yes". 

Well, too bad! We don't give a single fuck!

I flinched at the sudden surge of pain, I groaned lightly. I slowly stood to my feet and walked out of the room, I walked to my mom's bathroom and grabbed the bottle of asprin. I quickly poured four pills into my hand and swallowed each of them dry. I trudged back to my room and collapsed on my bed. 

We hate you Jacob Perez, and we can't wait until we put you through more pain. This is only just the beginning. 

I closed my eyes tight and took a deep breath. I stayed like this, eyes closed shut and hands clenching onto my blanket, until I finally dozed off. 


The heavy blow to my head made my ears ring. I thought I would be safe in my room. I thought he wouldn't be able to hurt me here. I thought. I cupped my head in my hands and sniffed, "I'm tired of hearing about those damn voices!" My dad yelled angrily, "they are not real". I sniffed and said "y-yes they are".

Another heavy blow was given to me, I whimpered and dropped to the floor. "Jacob, I swear to God, if I hear one more thing about those 'voices' of yours, I will give you the biggest ass whoopin'" he swore, I crawled into a corner of the room and faced him.

"They aren't real, and it's a damn shame that you have to make something up, in order to just recieve attention. You are not a fucking child anymore! Learn to fucking grow up!" I closed my eyes and heard his heavy footsteps leave the room. Next my door slammed shut. "See what you guys did, y-you made him hurt me" I whispered. 

No, we didn't. You brought that upon yourself. 

I woke up with a jolt. I sat up and looked around. I thought he was here, I thought he came back just to hurt me again. I ran my hand through my hair and sighed.

You're awake

"Yeah, how long have I been asleep?" I asked.

Two hours

"Hm" I hummed in surprise, "must've been tired". I stretched out like a cat before getting up. "Mom" I said lightly as I walked downstairs. When I didn't get an answer, I sighed. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a granola bar. I guess she went somewhere. 

You amaze us at times

"What?" I asked

You amaze us at times


Just by being you, you know, living your life. It's hard.

"It's hard because of you all" I said in a low flat tone.

Hey now, don't forget who you're talking to.
Don't forget what we are capable of making you do. 
Sorry for any mistakes.

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