Chapter Fourteen

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::Bria's P.O.V::

"Hey Jacob" I said with a smile, he looked at me but said nothing. "What's wrong?" I asked, he continued to look at me before he pulled his books from his locker. He locked his locker and gave me one last glance, before walking away. I stood there, shocked and confused. What was wrong? Had I done something?


"What's wrong witchu?" Jazmyne asked curiously, "Jacob hasn't spoken to me all day, it's like he's mad at me" I answered lightly. "What'd you do?" Jordan questioned, "that's the thing, I don't know what I did" I sighed, "I asked him, but he didn't answer me". "Maybe he's just having a bad day?" Jordan suggested, I shrugged gently "I don't know" "I'll talk to him" Jazmyne stated. "Please don't make things worse, please?" I said as I looked at him, "I won't".


::Jazmyne's P.O.V::

"You didn't talk to your girlfriend today" I said as I blocked Jacob from leaving the classroom. He looked at me blankly, "why not?" I finally asked. "I can't" he answered simply, I furrowed my eyebrows "why?" "Because I can't" he replied, "I'm going to be late". I narrowed my eyes at him before stepping to the side, "fine, wouldn't want you to be late". 

::Jacob's P.O.V::

I walked down the hall, trying to avoid bumping into people. I hadn't heard from the voices at all today, I guess they were mad at me because of what happened yesterday. It's not like I really wanted to cut myself, I just thought it was the best thing to do at the time. I wore my Nirvana sweat-jacket to keep my arms out of sight, no one knew that inside the sleeves was my irritated cut skin. 

I walked into the classroom and took a seat at my desk. I stared blankly at the board and sighed. This day was horrible so far. I didn't ride the bus because I couldn't face seeing Bria nor Rayan, when I got to school I literally said nothing to Bria and I could see how hurt she was by that. I sat alone at lunch, and all I could concentrate on was the fact that Bria looked like she wanted to cry.

I bit my lip lightly and shook my head; trying to clear the image from my mind. 


"Hola miel" my mom greeted as I walked into the kitchen, "hi" I replied. "What's wrong?" I shook my head "nothing, just tired" "you want to lay down before dinner?" I shrugged "I guess so" I picked at a loose string on my sweat-jacket.

"Um.... Mom" I said lightly, "I-I've.... Got something to tell you...." I stuttered, I watched as she stopped what she was doing; which was cutting a tomato. She set down the knife and looked up at me, "what is it?" I looked at the floor "um, well...." I began to tear up. "I'm sorry" I apologized, "I'm really sorry", "miel, what's wrong? What happened?" She walked over to me. I sniffed and wiped my tears away, "I... I..." I took a small breath before saying; "I relapsed last night". 

She gave me a sad look, "let me see". I pulled the sleeves of my jacket up, revealing the deep cuts. "Oh, Jacob" my mom said lightly, "I know, I'm sorry" I apologized. "Four months baby, you were clean four months" I nodded, "I know". She wrapped her arms around me, "that's okay, it's alright. It doesn't matter how long you've been clean, what matters is that you try not to cut again, okay?" I nodded and hugged her back.

My tears slipped from my eyes, "I'm sorry" I said lightly. "Don't be, it happens miel" I sniffed, "mom?" "Yes?" "Can I... Go back to seeing Ms. Smith?" I asked. She broke away from the hug and looked at me, "you really want to?" I nodded "yeah, just temporarily, I think I need her right about now".


"Miel, let me see your arms please" I looked at my mom in confusion before giving her my arms. "You should really put bandages on these, they could get infected" "they're that deep?" She nodded "si". "Oh" I watched her as she left and came back with the first aid kit. "What made you relapse?" I bit my lip, "I don't know" I lied.

She looked at me "there's always a reason" "I want real friends, I was told I was a freak by someone who I thought was my friend" I confessed. There was silence, "guess I was wrong" I mumbled. "You're not a freak, okay?" I looked at her, "okay" I said quietly.

You are too

I closed my eyes, "what's wrong?" My mom asked. "Nothing" I answered, "I'm fine".

People are right about you

"Thanks" I said after my mom finished putting gauze and everything over my cuts. "Mhm, now go get ready for dinner" I nodded and walked to the stairs.

You should cut again
You're worthless and aren't important to anyone

I closed my door and leaned against it, I slid down until I was sitting on the floor. I brought my knees up to chest and sat there. I was confused and scared. It's like... The voices had turned against me over night. "Please stop" I whispered, "please".
Sorry for any mistakes.

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