Chapter Twelve

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::Bria's P.O.V::

"Does your brother know?" Jordan asked curiously as we walked down the hallway with Jazmyne. I shook my head "no, and he doesn't really need to" "why not?" Jazmyne questioned. "Cause he's still mad that I kissed Jacob, he'll probably be pissed if I told him that we're dating" I answered, "I'm just going to let him find out on his own".

I spotted Jacob at his locker and I smiled lightly, I walked up to him "hi" I greeted, "hey" he replied. I quickly kissed him on the cheek, he smiled in response. "So cute" Jordan cheesed, Jazmyne looked at her in a funny way and shook her head. 


::Jacob's P.O.V::

At lunch, Rayan sat with the football players. He usually doesn't do that. He didn't even look my way when I walked passed him to get to the table that we normally sit at. He was supposdely in a deep conversation with Conner. Chresanto eyed me but said nothing, and Jaden took a quick glance at me as I walked by. I sat down at the table and waited for Bria, Jazmyne, and Jordan to arrive.

::Rayan's P.O.V::

"Why didn't you sit with them?" Chresanto asked bluntly. "You still mad that I've got your position, aren't you?" I asked back. "Ooh" Conner, Michael, and Jaden cooed. I looked at them but said nothing, "you probably can't even handle the position, Rayan" Chresanto replied, "I don't even want your fucking position" I stated. "Then why'd you take it?" "I didn't have a choice, coach gave it to me" I answered. "Okay, guys, can y'all discuss this later?" Conner questioned, I sighed and nodded a little "yeah".

::Jordan's P.O.V::

I took a quick glance over at Jaden. It hurt to look at him for too long because then I remember what happened at the party. We don't talk that much anymore. I bit my lip and focused my attention on Jacob. He was explaining something that had to do with music. I felt kind of guilty that I hadn't listened from the beginning. "Are you okay?" He suddenly asked, "what? I mean.... Um yeah, I'm okay, sorry" I replied.


::Jacob's P.O.V::

Before I walked into the house I stopped by the mailbox. I opened it and noticed an envelope with my name on it. I took a deep breath when I noticed it was from my dad.

What do you think it is in it?

"Words" I said lightly.


"Who knows? I walked into the house and said a quick hello to my mom, before going to my room. I closed my door, and sat down on my bed. I stared at the cream colored envelope, should I open it? The last time I opened something from him, it didn't go so well.

With a surge of courage, I opened the envelope. I pulled out the note that was inside.

Hi son,
I'm sorry about that card I sent you. It was an old card, from over two years ago.

I rolled my eyes at his excuse.

Anyway, I hope it didn't bother you much. I was wondering if I could see you again.

Me? He wants to see me?

I haven't seen you in a long time.

Two years, ever since you left. It's been two years.

What do you think? If so, here's my new number.

I stared at the ten numbers in shock. Is he for real?

I pulled out my phone but didn't call him. "Do I want to see him again?" I asked aloud. I walked out of my room and went to my mom. "If I told you I wanted to see dad again, how would you react?" I asked carefully. "I'd be shocked, but I would understand. You need to see him again eventually, do you want to?" She questioned.

"Well.... He sent me a letter with his number attached. I'd like to, that's only if you'd let me though". I watched her as she bit her lip, she looked at me for a while "you really want to?" I nodded "yeah, I guess". "Okay, go ahead and call" she said lightly, I retreated back to my room. I picked up my phone and nervously dialed the number. I was nervous because this would be the first time hearing his voice in a really long time.
I heard the ringing of the phone in my ear, it didn't comprehend to me that I was calling him until I heard someone say "hello?" My voice caught in my throat, I was so nervous I couldn't even speak. "Um, hello?" He repeated, I stayed silent. "I'm hanging up now" "no, no! I'm sorry, wait" I exclaimed.

"Oh, hello, who is this?" "You don't know who this is?" I asked. "No, I'm sorry" "oh, it's um.... Jacob..... Your son" I said lightly, I tried my hardest not to let my pain be heard. "Really? Jacob, wow I'm sorry, it's just.... You don't sound like you used to. You're voice, it got deeper" "oh, yeah well.... I'm seventeen now" I replied. There was a pause of silence. "Wow" he said in shock, "wow um okay, well you called.... So I assume you want to meet up?" He asked curiously, "yeah, I do" I answered.


"Mom, I'm going to meet dad next Saturday, is that okay?" I asked. She nodded but said nothing. "Are you okay?" I asked, she again nodded. "....Okay" I said hesitantly, I walked up the stairs and to my room, I ran my hand through my hair and sighed. "Job, I need to get a job" I muttered, suddenly remembering what I had promised my mother.

::Bria's P.O.V::

"You have no reason to be mad at Jacob, it was a game Rayan, damn" I stated. "I don't care" he replied, "if it makes you feel any better he said I didn't have to kiss him, but I did anyway" I added. He looked at me, "can you please leave?" He asked lightly. I rolled my eyes "oh my goodness" I said before leaving his room.
Sorry for any mistakes.

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