Chapter Twenty-Three

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::Jacob's P.O.V::

"Do you have any medicine?" I asked to the pharmacist. He smiled and said "why yes, I am a pharmacist after all". I rubbed the back of my neck, "haha yeah, right". "What are you looking for exactly?" He asked, "well.... I uh... I think I have Schizophrenia" "you think?" I nodded a little and said "yes, I think".

"Well, I can't give you any medication without a prescription" he explained. "Oh, well um, h-how do you get one of those?" I asked, he chuckled at how clueless I was. "You're doctor has to fill one out and fax it to me" he answered, "oh, my doctor's all the way on the other side of town" "well, there's a doctor's office not too far from here. They do free walk-ins" "really?" He nodded and said "yes". "Okay, thanks" I turned and walked off.

Trying to get rid of us?

"N-no" I lied.

Oh please, Jacob. No need to lie.

"I just need to find out what's really wrong with me, is all" I said softly. I stepped onto the sidewalk and looked around, I probably should've asked which direction it was in. I turned to the right and saw someone standing a few feet away. "Excuse me, which way is the near by doctor's office?" I asked, "that way" they answered as they pointed to the right. "Thanks".


I sat in the waiting room, nervously bouncing my leg up and down. I began to bite my thumb nail as I continued to wait, "Jacob?" I abruptly stood up. "That's me" I said a bit too loud, I looked around and said "sorry". I walked over to the doctor, she smiled and led me to the back. I sat down in one of the chairs, and she sat down in the other.

"What seems to be the problem?" She asked lightly, "I-I think I've got Schizophrenia" "why do you think that?" "T-there's these, uh, voices.... There are voices in my head" I answered. "What kind of voices?"

"Loud voices, loud mean voices. T-they yell a lot, um.... They can control me, I-I don't know what else to say" I confessed, "I just... I need something that will make them go away". "Well, Jacob, I can't really say if you've got schizophrenia yet, do you see these voices?" "N-no, I don't, is that bad? Will I see them soon?" "No, no I'm not saying you will, but I'm not saying you won't either".


No pill is going to get rid of us, Jacob

"I know"

Then why the hell are you going to doctors and saying you think you've got Schizophrenia!?

"I just need to know what the hell is fucking wrong with me!" I yelled. 

There was silence. 

"Hello?" I asked.

Everything is wrong with you.


::Bria's P.O.V::

"H-he said the voices... Wanted to hurt me, I do-" Rayan cut me off "did he touch you?" He asked seriously. He placed his hands on my shoulders, "are you using make-up to cover up the bruises?" "What? No!" I said loudly. I pushed his hands off my shoulders, "if you would just listen to me" I stated.

"Okay, I'm sorry, go ahead, continue" "thank you, he said they wanted to hurt me, I guess they don't like me. I don't know why, but yeah, he locked me out of his room and told me to leave" I explained. "Well, obviously he's got some things going on. I think you should just give him a couple days to himself" Ray suggested, I nodded a little and said "okay". 


"Rayan!" I looked up from my book when I heard his name echo throughout the house. I got up and poked my head out the room, "what d'you do?" I asked as he walked passed my room. "Been skippin' football practice" he said bluntly, "why? You know he would find out" I said as I followed him. He shrugged, "I'm done, I don't care anymore" I stopped at the stairs and sat down. I watched as he walked into the living room and stood in front of our dad.

"I heard you've been skipping football practice" dad stated, Ray nodded and said "yes". "Well why the hell are you?" "Cause I don't like football" he answered seriously, "well you better start liking it, it's what you're going to be doing for the rest of your life". I watched as Ray began to tug on one of his braids, "don't do it" I whispered.

"Dad, I don't fucking care about football!" Ray yelled, I sighed lightly "you did it" I said quietly. "Watch your damn mouth" "I'll watch mine when you watch yours" "I am a grown ass man, I can say whatever the hell I want".

"Well, I'm almost eighteen" "I don't care Rayan, as long as you are living under this damn roof you will watch your mouth and you will listen to me. You're going to practice every damn day, and if you don't, then there will be consequences".

"I don't want to play football, I don't even like sports! I like to draw, I like to sketch things, I don't want to become some famous football player when I grow up. I wanna become a famous artist, whose paintings and drawings are all hanging on a wall in some famous well known art muesium. I don't want to be known as the guy who can score a touchdown, I want to be known as the guy who can paint a wonderful portrait" Ray confessed.

There was silence. Deadly silence. Dad cleared his throat, "get your pads ready for tomorrow". I shook my head a little, Ray groaned. "Dad, why aren't you listening to me?" He asked, "why won't you listen to a single thing that I am saying to you? Do you not care what I think? I get one chance to live my life. One. I can't keep living the life that you want me to live. I need to do my own thing".

Ray shook his head a little and added "I need to do my own fucking thing", my breathing hitched when dad raised his hand in the air. "What the hell did I tell you about those damn curse words?" Ray stood up straighter and looked him in the eye, "hit me, I dare you to hit me".


"You're not really leaving, are you?" I asked as I watched Rayan pace around his room. I noticed his suitcase sitting by his closet, he scoffed and said "I honestly don't even fucking know anymore". "Please don't, I-I need you" I said lightly, "I'd miss you too much". He looked at me, he walked over and wiped away the tears that managed to slip from my eyes. He sighed, and nodded a little "I won't leave", "promise" I said, "I promise".
Sorry for any mistakes. 

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