Chapter Sixteen

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::Rayan's P.O.V::

"Don't fucking talk to me" Jordan stated, I looked at her in confusion. "I know what you did, so does Jazmyne; so don't expect anything from her" she added. "What'd I do?" "You told Jacob that he was a freak, and told him to stay away from you and Bria. Then you walk away right after you see he's getting beat up by your football buddies, what type of shit is that Rayan?"


::Jacob's P.O.V::

I quietly walked down the hall, I noticed the way people were looking at me. I ran my tongue along my cut lip and winced at the surge of pain. I knew better than to come to school today but I kept thinking about what Bria said to me: 'you can't run away from your fears'. I noticed Bria at her locker, she didn't see me because she was pulling and grabbing books.

I walked up to her and tapped her shoulder, she turned and looked at me. "You came" she said lightly, I gave a slight nod "yeah". "I'm glad" she said gently, "and you acknowledged me". I gave a guilty look, "yeah, I'm sorry that I did that to you.... You know, avoiding you...."


"I didn't know they would do that to you" Chresanto explained, "if I knew, I wouldn't have let them". I looked at him but kept quiet, "I swear" he added. More silence. "It wasn't fair to you, if Parker wanted to fight you, he should've done it by himself, he shouldn't have brought Michael and Jaden as back up" Chresanto explained.

"You just watched" I said, finally speaking up, "you just stood there and..... Watched". "I know, I'm sorry" he apologized, "really?" I asked. He nodded "yeah", "why're you being nice and apologizing to me?" I questioned. "I just thought it was the right thing to do" he answered simply.


"Are you still hearing the voices?" Ms. Smith asked gently, I nodded "yes". "Anything changed?" "Um, well.... They seem to have turned on me".

We were never on the same side as you Jacob

I looked at the floor, "what happened to you?" She suddenly questioned. "Oh, I um.... Got beat up in the locker room yesterday" I answered quietly, I looked at her. "You tell anyone? Like the principal?" I shook my head "no, I'd just get beat up again, it's no use".


"Miel" I heard my mom say, "si?" I replied. "You've got a visitor" I walked to the door and saw Bria, "hi, I'm sorry for.... Um, just dropping by like this" she apologized. She looked like she'd been crying, her slightly red eyes gave it all away.

"What's wrong?" I asked, "I needed somewhere to go, I can't go home" she answered, "Jacob, please don't make me go home". She began to tear up, "please". "I won't" I said gently, I was confused. What happened at home that made her cry? "Come in" I said as I stepped to the side, she came in and I closed the door behind her. 


I was sitting up in bed, my back against the headboard. Bria was cuddled up next to me, she had fallen asleep. Her head was resting on my chest and I had my arm wrapped protectively around her. I watched her as her chest rose, then fell, then rose again. I was still curious as to what made her so upset.

"Miel, is she hungry?" My mom asked quietly as she poked her head into the room. I shook Bria gently, "are you hungry?" I asked when she opened her eyes. "Oh, no... I'm okay" she answered, "I don't wanna come over and just eat your food, that's not very polite". I looked at my mom and said "she's hungry", once my mom left, Bria sat up and looked at me. "Why'd you tell her I was hungry?" She asked, "cause you need to eat, that's why". 


I walked to the front door and opened it to reveal Rayan. "Is my sister here?" He asked, "yeah, she's up in my room asleep..... Do you, um, want me to get her for you?" I watched as he looked up at the sky then he pulled out his phone.

"Nah, it's too late, she can stay here; is that okay?" I nodded "yeah, sure". There was a pause filled with silence. "Why'd she come over here?" I suddenly asked, "she looked like she had been crying, why?" Rayan sighed before saying "it's our parents, they got into another one of their big ass arguments, I guess Bria couldn't take the yelling anymore... So she left, and came here".

I nodded a little "oh" "yeah, hey, um.... Look, I'm sorry" he suddenly apologized, "I'm sorry for, um, calling you a freak, that wasn't right. I'm also sorry for what I did yesterday, for walking out on you when you clearly needed help". I looked at him for a couple seconds before looking away, "I shouldn't have just left you in that locker room, I should've helped you out" he stated, "but you didn't" I said lightly, "you looked right at me, shook your head, and walked out. You left". 


"Why do you do this to yourself?" She asked gently, I looked at my arms and shrugged "because it helps me release the feelings that I'm keeping inside". "When did you do this?" "The day your brother called me a freak, and told me to stay away from you and him".

"You did this because of him?" I gave a slight nod "yeah, I guess, but Bria please don't tell" I begged, "please, you're the only one who knows other then my mom. I want it stay that way, promise me you won't tell?" She looked me in the eye before nodding a little. "I promise, I won't tell anyone". 

"Was this your first time?" She asked, "no, I did it four months ago..... But I relapsed so.... That doesn't really matter anymore" I answered. "It does too, think of those four months as a record, you can try and beat that record Jacob, you can try to stay clean for more than four months" she explained.
Sorry for any mistakes.

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