Chapter Twenty-Six

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::Jacob's P.O.V::

We hate you!
Why do you do this?
Always running your mouth. 

"Stop yelling" I mumbled, I picked up my bag and walked out of the house. I decided to take the bus to school today. I stood at the bus stop for twenty minutes and when I got on the bus I sat alone. Bria didn't make a spot for me to sit with her, so I sat behind Ray.

I stood up a little and tapped his shoulder, he looked up at me and said "yeah?" "What'd I do?" I asked as I quickly looked at Bria. "She's just giving you some time to yourself, I think you scared her the last time you were with her" he answered. "Oh" I sat back down and sighed.

Ha, she should be scared.

I bit my lip lightly as I played with my fingers. I don't want Bria avoiding me cause she's scared of me. 


When we got off the bus, I had to look around cause I had lost Bria. When I found her, she was about walk into the building. "Bria!" I said loudly, she turned and looked at me. I walked up to her, "I'm sorry" I apologized. She gave me a hesitant look, "please don't be afraid of me" I begged. I laced her fingers in between mine, "please" I whispered. 

::Bria's P.O.V::

I looked into Jacob's big brown eyes and found myself getting lost. I couldn't avoid him, I just couldn't do it. He was fragile and I could tell I was hurting him when I treated him this way. "I'm sorry too" I said quietly, "I should have talked you.... But I didn't, and that's where I did you wrong".

I touched his cheek, "do you forgive me?" We both asked in unison. We both answered in different ways, I gave a slight nod and he said a light "yes". I felt his lips press against mine, I began to kiss him.


::Jordan's P.O.V::

"Hey babe" Jaden greeted before kissing me on the cheek, "hi" I replied with a smile. "You gonna come to a game sometime right?" He asked, I nodded and said "yeah, for sure" "'kay good". "I'm gonna eat with Bria and them today, kay?" I asked, he nodded and said "okay".

I walked over to Bria and Jacob and sat across from them. "Hey" I greeted, "hmm you finally bagged Jaden" Bria said before popping a grape into her mouth. Jacob looked at her and opened his mouth, she picked up another grape and put it in his mouth. 

I smiled a little and said "yeah", "careful" Ray said as he sat down next to me, "don't get hurt". "I'll try not to" I replied, Jazmyne walked up and sat on the other side of Rayan. "How's it going?" Jazmyne asked to Jacob, "good" he answered. "The voices too" she said lightly, Jacob gave her a confused look "Bria told me when she was asking for advice" she informed. 

::Jacob's P.O.V::

"Advice?" I asked, "on what to do" Bria said to me, "but we figured it out in the morning". "Oh, okay" I replied, she nodded and said "mmhm". 

Your "friends" need to learn how to keep their mouths shut!

I flinched at the sudden appearance of the voices. 

They have no right to tell others about us!

"What's wrong?" Ray asked, "nothing" I replied too quickly. "You sure?" Jordan questioned, I nodded and said "yeah, head just hurts". 


::Rayan's P.O.V::

"I want to quit the team" I annouced to the couch, he gave me a blank stare. "Couch" I said as I snapped my fingers, "what?" He asked. "I said.... I want to quit the team" "I mean, why?" He asked, "you're one of the best players on the team".

"I am?" He nodded and said "yeah", "well... I don't feel like it... I don't like football" I confessed. "Why not?" I shrugged and said "it's just not my thing, I like to draw and paint". "What will your father say?" He questioned, I rubbed the back of my head "yeah, um... About that... Could you not tell him I quit the team?" "Why?" "He's not going to be happy when he hears it, so I don't want him to know".

"But... I have to tell him something" "tell him.... Tell him you kicked me off the team cause of low grades" "I can't lie to your father, Rayan" couch stated. "Yeah, you're right, um... Well, I'll tell him" I lied, "okay, I'm a bit disappointed in your decision.... But I suposse if football isn't your thing, then you should be doing something that is" I smiled a little and said "I'm glad you understand, now only if my father would". 


"Wait, why are you home early?" Bria asked when I walked past her room, "I quit the football team today" I said as I continued to walk to my room. "Wait, hold up! What?" She asked as she followed me, "I quit the team today" I repeated. "Why? Do you know what dad is going to do when he finds out?" She questioned, I turned around and faced her "dad's not going to find out" I said seriously.

"Do you honestly think I'm going to tell him?" She asked, sounding offended. "No, I'm sorry" I apologized, "I didn't mean to say it like that". "Hm, yeah sure you didn't" she walked away, "Bria, I'm serious, I didn't" I stated, "okay, Ray, whatever" she mumbled.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you so moody? You on your period?" I asked, "assume that I'm on my period again, and I'll just come into your room at night and assume that you're dead and burry you in the backyard" she swore. "Okay, sorry" I muttered, "dad's going to pissed when he finds out you quit Ray, he's gonna be on your ass".
I just got finished watching Superwoman on YouTube so that's where that period quote came from. Anyways, sorry for any mistakes, I didn't proof read. Also, there's like.... Three or four more chapters left until the book ends.

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