Chapter Twenty-Seven

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::Jacob's P.O.V::

"Leave me alone!" I screamed, "I'm not fucking killing anyone!"

Yes, the fuck you are!
Even if we have to fucking make you!

I grabbed at my hair and pulled, "get out of my head!"

It's not happening Jacob!

I took a deep, "please, just leave me alone. I'm tired, I'm so tired of being different and the outkast". 

Oh, fucking, well.

I stuffed my face into my pillow and groaned loudly, "go away!"


"Miel, are you hungry?" My mom asked as she stepped inside my room, I shook my head a little and said a quiet "no". "Are you missing important work at school?" She then asked, "no" I lied. I was supposed to turn in a project today. Oh well. 

"What's going on, Jacob?" She asked as she sat down on the edge of the bed, "nothing" I mumbled. She touched my nose, "why are you lying to me?" I felt my tears appear and I sighed. "My life is horrible" I stated, "how so?" She asked. "I don't have a caring dad, and people at school don't like me, and just... I'm so close to giving up".


"Thanks for checking up on me" I said to Bria, she smiled and said "no problem". "Want to come in?" "Oh, no I'm okay, I actually do need to be getting home; we're having an early dinner" she answered. "Oh, okay" "Jacob, can I take you out tomorrow?" She suddenly asked, "like, on a date?" I questioned, she giggled and nodded "yeah". "Oh, okay, yeah... Sure" "okay, how about eight?" I nodded a little and said "okay". She gave me a peck on the nose before turning and walking away. 

"I'm going on a date tomorrow" I said to myself.

That's a surprise.

I frowned but said nothing. "Miel, come here... I want to show you something" I walked into the living room and found my mom sitting with a book in her lap. I suddenly realized it was a photo album. She flipped to a page, "this is you when you were smaller".

I stared at the picture for a while, "look at that smile" she said lightly. She turned the pages ever so slowly, then she stopped "now look at it". "There isn't one" I said, "exactly" she whispered. I had realized that every time she would come to a new picture, that my smile slowly faded. It was until the last photo that there was no smile upon my face.

"Why are you showing me these?" I suddenly asked, "you life has gone downhill ever since those voices came along and your father left, but you're still here" she stated. "That's gotta mean something right?" She asked lightly, "you're still determined".

I scoffed "no, I'm not, mom", I wiped away my tears and sighed "I'm really not". I played with my fingers, and looked at my lap, "honestly, I think I gave up a long time ago, I'm just now starting to realize it".
I know, really short. I couldn't really think of anything for this chapter. Sorry. 
Also, sorry for any mistakes. I didn't proof read.

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