Chapter Fifteen

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::Chresanto's P.O.V::

"I need you to do me a favor" Parker said lightly, "um, okay...  Depends on what the favor is" "I need you to get Jacob to the locker room after school" "why?" "Just do it, okay?" I gave him a skeptical look. "Um, okay, I'll try" I replied, "thanks" I watched as he walked off. I furrowed my eyebrows, "you're welcome?"


::Jacob's P.O.V::

"What did I do wrong?" Bria asked, I looked at her but said nothing. "Um, I can't really be around you anymore" I mumbled, "what? Why not?" "I just can't, I'm sorry". "Did Rayan tell you that you couldn't?" He gave me a sad look, before nodding "yeah, sorry". "Please don't listen to him, Jacob I don't want you to stop hanging out with me. We're still together right? We're still dating?" "I.... I don't know". She blinked back tears and said "okay". "I'm sorry" I apologized lightly, "it's okay, I guess".


I let Chresanto pull me into the locker room. "Why am I here?" I asked, "I just... Um, want to show you something" he answered. He pulled me into the main part of the locker room, there I saw Parker, Jaden, and Michael. I took a small step back, "what?" I said in a barely audible tone. I turned around and bumped into Chresanto, he looked at me and I could tell he was just as confused as I was.


"Ow!" I exclaimed as Jaden and Michael grabbed roughly onto my arms. I could feel my cuts reopening and the pain brought tears to my eyes. I flinched when Parker bucked at me, and in response he chuckled. I coward back, I looked over and saw Chresanto leaning against a wall and watching intently with his arms crossed. He bit his lip, as if he was thinking, but did nothing more than that.

I looked at Parker and he glared at me. "I don't know what I did, but I'm sorry" I said lightly, he rolled his eyes in response.


I groaned lightly, I was down on my knees. Parker and them fucking ambushed me. I fell for it too, should've known something was up when Chresanto asked me to come with him to the locker room. I looked at him, he hadn't moved from his spot.

He had stood there and watched intently as Michael, Jaden, and Parker all had their turn beating me up. There was a hell of a lot of blood, mostly from my arms. My noise was bleeding, and I bet there was a lot of bruises from where they kept kicking me.

Without warning the door to the locker room opened and Rayan walked in. He stopped when he saw us, he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Jaden and Michael let me go and I whimpered in pain. Ray studied the situation at hand, he looked at Chresanto, who in response looked back at him.

Ray glanced at Parker, Michael, and Jaden, then at me. He sighed lightly and shook his head, before turning and leaving. I closed my eyes when I heard the door close behind him.


I slowly trudged home, my whole body ached.

That's what you fucking get, Jacob

I took in a quick small breath of air, it stung my throat. I looked up at the darkening sky, but kept walking. About five minutes later I heard someone say my name, I looked over and saw Bria was sitting on her porch. I cursed under my breath, I forgot I had to pass her house to get to mine.

I stood there and looked at her, I watched as she stood to her feet and ran to me. She placed her hand on my cheek, and rubbed her thumb back and forth. Before I could say anything, she kissed me. Her lips were warm and soft, I slowly began to kiss her back. She slowly pulled away a few minutes later, "what happened?" She asked, "who did it?" I looked at her but said nothing.

"Jacob, please" "nobody, don't get into it, okay? It has nothing to do with you, and I want it to stay that way" I said gently. "Why?" "Because, I don't want you getting involved and possibly getting hurt too. I just need to learn to stay in my place" I replied, I took a step back. "I gotta go, bye" I said lightly as I turned away.

::Bria's P.O.V::

I watched as Jacob disappeared down the sidewalk. I walked into the house and up the stairs to Ray's room. I walked in without knocking. "Why don't you knock anymore?" He asked, I ignored his question. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked loudly, "what are you talking about?"

"Did you beat Jacob up? Why the hell would you do something like that?" "How do you know he got beat up?" "I just saw him walking home, Rayan he looked horrible!" I yelled, "calm down" he stated. "No, I will not calm down! Don't tell me to calm down" I replied, "you're just asking for me to hit you!" I screamed.

He stood and walked up to me, "I didn't do it". I looked at him but said nothing, "why would you think I did it?" He questioned, "cause you told Jacob to stay away from me" I answered. "Oh, I see now, Bri he's not normal" "no one is Ray" "he's a freak, everyone thinks so" I hit him in his chest. "Don't say that, he is not" "Bria" "Rayan" I said back, "he is not a damn freak".


::Jacob's P.O.V::

I snuck into the house, I didn't want my mom to see me in my condition. I walked to my room and when I got there I took off my jacket, shirt, and pants. My arms looked horrible, there was dry caked on blood covering my cuts. I had these dark purple bruises on my stomach, I brushed my hand against one and held back a groan.

I walked to my bathroom and turned the faucet to the shower to warm. I waited a while so the water could get warm. Once it did, I took off my boxers and stepped into the shower. I let the water run down my back, then my arms. It stung when the water washed the blood away and dropped like bullets onto my cuts. I let my hair get wet, which caused it to fall over my eyes.

I sighed, but didn't move it away. I thought about what really happened and how Rayan looked at me, then walked out. My tears fell carelessly down my cheeks, I sat down and pulled my knees up to my chest. I let the water from the shower head beat down on me as I continued to cry.


"Miel, are you ready for dinner?" I opened my door slightly "I'm not hungry" I called down the hall. There was silence, I slowly closed the door. I bit my lip lightly as I stood in the middle of my room. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

I walked over and opened the door just a crack. No one was there. I opened the door wider and saw a plate with food on it, next to it was a note. I bent down and picked up the plate and note, I looked at the slip of paper: Here's dinner, I know you're hungry miel. I won't ask about what happened today. Te amo.

I smiled lightly, I sat down on my bed and began to eat dinner. I thought to myself as I did so. I twirled the fork in my hand, there was suddenly a buzzing noise. I looked over and saw it was my phone. I ignored the call when I saw it was Bria. She called again right after, this time I answered.

"Hello" I greeted lightly, "please acknowledge me tomorrow" she stated. "I'm.... Not coming tomorrow" I replied, "you can't run away from your fears". "I know, I'm not running away, I'm just avoiding them" "Jacob, that's the same thing". "Okay, but you don't understand. I'm tired Bria, I'm just so tired of having to worry about every little thing that I do" I explained. "You don't have that problem" I added, "so you don't understand".
Sorry for any mistakes, I already finished writing chapters for this book, so I'll try to post a chapter everyday.

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