Chapter Twenty-One

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::Jacob's P.O.V::

I pulled at my hair and shook my head. The voices in my head had grown louder. I couldn't take this anymore, I needed them to go away. I needed to escape from them. "M-mom, can I go to Bria's?" I asked lightly. She nodded and said "sure, do you need me to drive you?" She questioned, I shook my head a little "no". "Is something wrong miel?" "No" I lied before slipping out of her room, I quickly left the house and walked down the sidewalk. 

It's about time you feared us

I flinched, "I-I've always feared you" I mumbled lightly. 

Good, that's good. We're capable of doing the unimaginable

"I know" I whispered. When I got to Bria's, she let me in and took me to her room. "You look nice today" I said quietly before kissing her nose, she smiled a little and said "thank you, so do you". I chuckled "no, I don't" "yeah, you do" "I'm wearing sweatpants and a Ramones shirt". She poked my stomach and smiled, "you still look nice". 

I smiled a little and said "okay". She poked my stomach again, "why're you poking me?" I asked curiously. "I don't know, it's fun" she said simply, she looked at me and kissed me. I kissed back, "Bri, I need to kn- No, no, no!" A voice said, it was Rayan. We pulled away and looked at him, he gave us both a disgusted look.

"Hi" Bria said lightly, "just disgusting" he said before walking away. Bria laughed and stood up and followed him, "it was just a kiss!" She laughed. "I don't care, I don't wanna see you kissing anybody, especially him" Ray stated, I stood up and walked to the door.

"Is it cause I'm a freak?" I asked, "no, it's 'cause you're my friend, and I don't find it interesting to see you two kissing" he answered. "Oh" I said lightly, I suddenly got gently elbowed in the ribs. "You're not a freak" Bria said, "yes, I a-" She put her finger to my lips. "Shh" she cooed, she moved her finger and kissed me again. "Would you stop that?" Ray asked, "sorry" she apologized.  


"I just.... I need some time alone" I told my mom before slipping into my room. 

You are absolutely stupid. 
You just don't know when to stop talking about us do you?
Going and telling all your fake friends about us. 

"They're not fake" I said in a low voice.

Oh yes they are! Do you really think Bria cares for you? Or Rayan, Jordan, and Jazmyne? They don't care. The only people you haven't told about us is Jordan and Jazmyne, they'll probably just react the same way as all the others. 

I stayed silent. 

You just gave Bria one more reason as to why she should feel sorry for you.
You're nothing but worthless.
Everything is wrong with you, you're not normal and you never will be.

My tears filled my eyes. 

No wonder why your father left you. 
You're a disgrace.

I wiped away the tears that fell. "Stop" I said lightly.


"Stop it" I said louder.

A damn disgrace.
Always messing shit up. 
Better off dead.

"Stop it! Shut up!" I let out a gut wrenching scream, "just stop! I'm tired of you all, I'm so tired!" I dropped to the floor and tugged at my hair, "just stop talking to me!" "Miel" I looked up and saw my mom. "I... I can't do this anymore" I cried, she got down on the floor and held me in a hug.

I stuffed my face in the crook of her neck and cried harder. "I don't want to do this anymore, I-I need them to go away" I said, she rubbed soothing circles against my back, "shhh miel, it's going to be okay". "I can't do it anymore, I need to escape".
Sorry for any mistakes.

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