Chapter Twenty-Four

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::Jacob's P.O.V::

I haven't seen Bria ever since I told her to leave that day. I miss her.

Someone still needs to die.

I didn't say a word.

Want to know your options?

I nodded, "yes, please".

Bria, Rayan, Jordan, Jazmyne, or your mom.

I laughed, "I'm not killing my mom".

Alright, we don't care who you kill. It could even be Chresanto.

"I'm not killing anyone" I stated.

Oh, that's where you are terribly wrong. Someone is going to be dead by the end of the week. You've got exactly five days to figure out who, or we decide for you.

"Why are you doing to this to me? Putting me in this situation" I stated, "you guys weren't like this before".

A lot has changed.

"I'm aware".


::Jordan's P.O.V::

"Jaden you said you broke up with her!" I exclaimed. "I did, well... Kind of" he said quietly, "there is no 'well, kind of' it's either I did or didn't". He sighed, "I'm sorry, okay? I told her I didn't want to be with her anymore, cause I liked you" "wait, you said that?" I asked, a bit shocked. He nodded and said "yeah, I did" "awww baby" I kissed his cheek.

"No, wait, I'm supposed to be mad at you" I stated. "But why?" "Cause you're still with her, you're basically cheating on the both of us". "I'll break up with her, I promise" I looked at him, "when?" "Tomorrow, right when I see her at school". I touched his forehead and said "okay".

"I love you" he stated, I smiled "I still get butterflies when you say that, I love you too". "I'm glad" I looked at the boy who I had only started dating two weeks ago, "I had the biggest crush on you" I admitted. "Really?" I nodded and said "yup".

"When you first saw me did you think I was cute?" He asked with a teasing smile, "yeah, and I still do think you're cute". He pulled me closer to him, "well, why ain't you ever say 'hey' or somethin?" "Cause whenever I would come near you, I'd get nervous and chicken out" I answered. "Oh, well, I don't bite" he sent me a small smirk, "well, not yet, I don't". I laughed and he leaned in and kissed me.


::Jazmyne's P.O.V::

I stuck my tongue out as I concentrated on painting my nails. "I don't know Bri, maybe he just needs some time" I said into the phone, "Ray said the exact same thing, I'm just worried about him". "So, these uh... Voices" "I'm not lying Jaz, he does hear voices" "I never said you were lying boobear" I stated, "I know, but the tone of your voice. It tells me you don't believe me".

I sighed, "okay, so... He's been hearing them since he was twelve? You sure he doesn't have a disease? Or a disorder? Like Schizophrenia" "I don't... I don't think so" she mumbled. "Hm" I hummed, "I haven't seen or talked to him since two days ago". "It'll be okay, I think he just needs some time to figure things out".
Sorry for the late update, and also sorry for it being so short.

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