Chapter Twenty-Eight

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::Jacob's P.O.V::

"I thought I would take you to an art museum, then to the aqaurium, then! Out to eat" Bria explained, "won't that cost a lot?" "Nope, my mom gave me coupons" she smiled. I laughed, "oh, okay, cool".

"Yeah, I know how you love art, and I just thought the aqaurium would be a nice place to visit, then you can choose where to eat, and they're all somewhat close to one another, so we can just walk". I nodded and said "okay", as we walked down the sidewalk I took a deep breath. "Please don't ruin this for me" I said quietly, so she wouldn't hear me.

There was silence.


"Wow" I said amazed, I watched the stingray's swim around in the shallow tank. "You can touch them if you'd like, if you just gently swirl your hand near them, then they should just come right up" a person who worked at the aqaurium informed. I smiled a little and both Bria and I, swirled our hand in the water. I lightly brushed my fingers across the stingray. 


We sat a booth at Salsarita's. We had already received our food so now we were just eating and talking.

"You know, you're different" I stated, "how?" "You stayed". She gave me a slightly confused look, "with me, most people leave, and yeah we had some problems but.... You're still here" I explained. "Oh, well, I couldn't just leave" she replied, "that wouldn't be right". I smiled a little.

She's fucking lying to you.

My smile disappeared, "don't start" I said seriously.

Okay, whatever.

"Why don't they like me?" Bria suddenly asked, "the voices... Why don't they like me?"

Cause you're an annoying ass bitch! That's why!

I covered my ears, "stop it, stop yelling".

You don't know when to leave people alone!
You and your friends are fake as hell!

I looked at Bria, "I don't know" I lied. "You know, sometimes I wonder if they don't like me because I'm getting closer to you".

That's not true.

"Or because they both know something that we don't" Bria suggested.

That's not true, Jacob.

"W-what do you mean, 'something we don't know'?" I asked. "There's pills out there Jacob, for what you have" she explained. "For what I have?" I asked. She nodded "yeah, you don't have Schizophrenia, but you've got something close to it".

She's lying, don't believe her! She's just... She's trying to get your hopes up!

I shook my head a little, "no, she wouldn't do that". "Jacob you can get this bottle of pills at a medicine store across town. They come with twenty pills in a bottle, they'll stop the voices" she informed. "Are you serious?" I asked, she nodded and said "yes".

No, she's not.

I noticed something different in the voices. They no longer sounded powerful, they sounded scared.

"I have to get them" I stated, she smiled "it's prescription medicine, but... I have something for you". I watched her as she pulled a small brown bag from her purse. She slid it across the table, I slowly opened the bag and saw the bottle. "You got them, how'd you... How?" I asked, she smiled a little "my aunt's a doctor, she sent a fax to the store and I got a bottle".

No! S-she can't do that!

I played with the bottle and bit my lip lightly. "Everything's going to change" I mumbled, "no more voices".

Don't do it Jacob!
If you take those pills, we'll make you kill everyone you love! Including your mom!

I took in a small breath, "you wouldn't" I said lightly. The voices power was back.

Oh really? We made you kill Tony didn't we?

"Don't mention him" I whispered,
"thank you" I said to Bria, "for getting these for me". She smiled and said "I know how bad you hate the voices".

You hate us?

"I, um, actually got you something too" I pulled a small ring box out of my pocket. I passed it to her, she slowly opened it to reveal the emerald colored ring. "It's beautiful" Bria stated, "thank you, but it must've cost you a lot". I shook my head a little, "it was worth it, it's like an expensive promise ring. I promise that I'll always be around".


"Thanks for taking me out" I said, "usually the girl would be saying that, but yeah". Bria smiled and said "thanks for going with me".

I stared at Bria for a while, and really studied her. I got lost in her eyes, I'd miss her. This was probably going to be the last time I would really see her, possibly.

I stepped closer to her, and kissed her. She kissed back, and I laced my fingers between hers. She raised her free hand, and her fingers lightly brushed my cheek. "I love you" I said as we pulled away, she smiled and said "I love you too". She gave me a quick kiss on my nose before saying "goodnight". I sent her a small smile, "goodbye".
Sorry for any mistakes, and also sorry for not posting yesterday, I wasn't able to.
P.S. There's only one more chapter left : (

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