Chapter Four

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::Chresanto's P.O.V::

I watched as Rayan and his sister walked down the aisle of the bus. "D'you ask yet?" I asked as he passed me, "fuck off" he said bluntly. "Well someone isn't happy" I stated, "didn't like the answer you received?" "I didn't ask Chresanto" he answered.

::Rayan's P.O.V::

I sat in the empty seat and stared out the window. I was confused. How the hell do you ask someone about their sexual orientation? Exactly, you don't. It's not really something you just go up and ask about.


::Jacob's P.O.V::

When I got on the bus I sat down next to Bria. "Hey Rayan" I greeted, "hey" he said lowly. He didn't move from his position at all, he just continued to stare out the window. I looked at Bria, "what's up with him?" I asked. She shrugged "I don't know, he's probably on his imaginary period or somethin" she said simply. "Oh".

He's mad at you

"Why would he be mad at me?" I asked quietly, "huh?" Bria said in confusion. I shook my head a little "nothin".


"Are you mad at me?" I asked once I caught up with Ray inside of the building, "no" "you sure?" "I'd know if I was mad at you" he answered. 

Just walk away

I nodded a little "okay, you're right.... Bye" I turned and walk away.There was no point in making him aggravated. 

I walked to the library and when I got there I chose a random book and found an empty table in a corner. I didn't even bother to open the book, I rested my arms on the table and placed my head on top of my arms. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. 

What's wrong?

"Nothing" I said lightly, "I just... I need to be alone". 


During my free period I wandered the field by the cafeteria. I know Bria had the same free period as me but I couldn't find her around. I've been avoiding Rayan in the halls, I know he's not in a good mood right now and I know I shouldn't mess with him, so I don't. 

I sat down under the shade of the big oak tree. I looked up and studied the many different branches of the tree. I covered my eyes with my hands and sighed, I didn't know what to do at the moment. "Oh" I said as I grabbed my bag and pulled my ear phones out, I took out my phone and found some music to listen to. I closed my eyes and sighed.... 


"Jacob, honey, you've got mail" my mom said to me, I walked over to her and took the envelope from her. I opened it when I saw the familiar hand writing, it was my dad's.

I pulled out a plain and simple card, when I opened it two twenties slipped out and fell to the floor. I read the words quietly "happy birthday". My tears formed in my eyes, "bullshit!" I exclaimed.

I looked at my mom before ripping up the card, "this is complete bullshit, he's been gone for so fucking long that he doesn't even know my birthday anymore?" My tears fell onto my cheeks and I let them. I continued to rip up the card.

See, you shouldn't want someone back who treats you this way

"Shut up" I said in frustration

It's true

"Shut up" I repeated loudly 

If he forgot your birthday, what else has he forgotten about you?

"Just shut up! I don't want to hear y'all right now, just stop talking to me" I said loudly. I suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around me, it was my mom. "He forgot" I cried, I stuffed my face in the crook of her neck.

"He forgot" I repeated, "shhh calm down, I'll.... I'll see what really happened" she said gently. I pulled away from her "what do you mean what really happened? He forgot mom, he just fucking forgot!" I yelled, I turned away and walked to the door. I walked out of the house without saying anything. 


I sat alone at the train station, I sniffed and wiped at my eyes. I bit my lip as I stared at the tracks, I quickly looked away. I missed my dad and to think that he sent me a cheap card for my birthday, when it wasn't even my actual birthday. It hurt.

I glanced at the dark cloud covered sky when I felt a couple rain drops land on me. I sighed and stood up, I walked out of the train section and into the small building. When I got outside and onto the sidewalk I pulled out my phone.

"Mom.... I'm coming home.... Sorry that I stormed off like that...." I said lightly. "It's alright, I know you were just upset. Where are you? Do you need me to come and get you?" She asked. "No, I'm okay, I'm at the train station.... I'll be there in about fifteen minutes I guess" I explained.

"Well it's beginning to rain, so hurry back" "okay, I will, bye" "bye, I love you" she said, "I love you too". I hung up and slipped my phone back in my pocket.

You want to hear us now?


Why not?

"Because I just don't"

 Oh, well....


When I got home I took a shower and changed into a pair of basketball shorts and a t-shirt. I walked to my room and sat on the edge of my bed. I looked over and saw the picture of my dad in a picture frame. I stood up and walked over to the frame and flipped it down. Once I sat back down I ran my hand through my hair.

You shouldn't miss him

"I know"

Then why do you?

"I don't know, it's just.... He's my dad, and he left me"

Exactly, he left you

"Yeah, he did".
Sorry for any mistakes.
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