Chapter Seventeen

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::Jacob's P.O.V::

"What are you doing today?" Bria asked as she put her hair into a bun, "I'm um... Going to see my dad today" "oh, that's cool". "Yeah, I guess, I haven't seen him in a long time" I informed, "well, I'll head home, so you can get ready" Bria stated.

She looked at me "thanks for letting me stay here, I promise I'll call before just popping out of the blue". I smiled a little and walked up to her, I quickly kissed her cheek. She smiled "bye" "bye, I'll see you?" "Whenever" she said lightly. "Okay, I'll see you whenever". 


I nervously tapped my fingers against the dashboard of the car, I bit my lip as I stared out the window. "Miel" my mother spoke softly, I looked at her and said "hm?" "Are you okay?" "Si" I answered quickly, too quickly. "No, you're not" "I'm just nervous, is all" I informed, "just haven't seen the man that walked out on us ever since he left that day".

"Don't live in the past, miel" my mom said, "what happened, happened". I nodded a little and said "okay" "where are you two going?" She asked curiously, "well once you drop me off.... We're going to the park to just sit and talk, then I think we're getting ice cream, or something like that" I answered.


I waved goodbye to my mom as she drove down the street, leaving me on the porch of my father's new house. I tried to ignore the lump in my throat as I rang the doorbell, I could hear from the other side of the door footsteps. "I got it!" A person screamed, the door swung open and a kid shorter than me was revealed.

"Who are you?" He asked curiously, "you're not a spy are you? 'Cause I'll have you know, no spies are allowed!" I shook my head a little and managed to choke out the words: "I'm not a spy". He smiled and revealed a very toothless grin, "good! So, um, who are'ya?" "I'm Jacob..." I answered, confusion in my voice.

"Oh, so you're Jacob, come on in then" he stepped to the side and I walked in, "my dad's been expecting you" he said simply. I looked at him in shock, "or, um, our dad.... Sorry about that, I forgot youre my brother, or.... Half brother" I felt my heart skip a beat. He left and started his life over again with another woman and had another child? He just.... He just started over.

"Daddy!" The kid screamed, he looked at me "what's your name again?" "J-Jacob" I said lightly. "Jacob's here!" He said loudly, "a visitor!!!" I heard someone squeal, there were pitter-pattering of feet then a little girl rounded the corner. I felt like I was going to faint, I've got a sister too?

She looked up at me and smiled, "hi!" I managed to wave at her. "You're my half brother?" I nodded a little, "do you talk?" I nodded again. "Are you going to talk?" She gave me a confused look, "yeah" I said lightly. "Jacob, wow, look at you" I looked up and saw him, my dad. 

"Look at how tall you've gotten" he said cheerfully, he walked up to me and gave me a hug. "Um.... Yeah" I said as he pulled away, "you ready?" He asked. I nodded and said "yeah, I guess so". 


"Who were those two kids at your house? I mean, what's their names?" I asked as I sat at a picnic table with my father. "Oh, that was Nathaniel and Sophia" he answered simply, I nodded a little and said "oh, you.... Started over, I see". I looked at him and saw he was biting his lip, he nodded and said "yeah, I did".

"Hm, guess I wasn't good enough..... That's cool" I said just above a whisper, he placed his hand on the table and looked away from me. "Hey, you remember when I would take you here and push you on the swings?" He asked as he stared at the three swings. I shook my head and said "no, it was so long ago, I was smaller then" he dropped his shoulders, "sorry" I stated.


"I don't like mint ice cream anymore" I said as I stared down at the cookies and cream ice cream. "Oh, you did when you were a kid" "yeah, well.... I'm not really a kid anymore dad, I'm seventeen" I said lightly, "okay, well tell me what you do like then". "I like to write poetry, and listen to music.... And hangout with the little friends that I have" I answered truthfully, he nodded a little and said "oh, that's nice".

"Dad, you can stop pretending like you care?" I said to him, "I know you don't care". He looked at me but said nothing, "this was a bad idea" I finally said to him, "I don't know why we decided to do this". I sighed, "I don't want to do this anymore, acting like I don't have something deep down that I want to say to you, that I want to ask you". "What do you have to ask?" He questioned, I looked at him and took a deep breath.

"Why'd you leave?" I asked seriously, "why'd you just walk out like that? I haven't heard from you until like three months ago, that's more than a year since you left". "I left because.... I couldn't take being around you, you'd always talk about the voices, you never had any friends and I didn't know what else to really do" he answered.

"So you left!?" I asked, "excuse my language, but that is a fucking dumbass excuse!" I looked at him, "you left mom behind too, just 'cause of me? She needed you and you just fucking left her behind!" He looked at me but stayed quiet, "I guess I shouldn't be here with you" I stated, "cause I'm still hearing those voices dad, they've grown fucking louder ever since your ass left".

I shook my head a little "now I can understand leaving because things weren't working out between you and mom, but that wasn't the case. You left because you couldn't handle the fucking fact that there was something wrong with me, and still is!"


"It was a bad idea, mom" I said as I walked into the house with her, "how so?" "Well, I found out he's got two kids" I answered. She looked at me and said "come again?" "Yeah, I've got a half brother and sister" she sat down on the couch and said "oh". I could tell she was hurting inside.

"I shouldn't have told you that" I said as I sat down next to her, "you didn't need to know". "No, you're okay miel" she said quietly, she sighed and rubbed her temples "um, wow..... I'm going to go up to my room and lay down for a few minutes". I nodded a little, she wiped at her eyes before standing up, "oh, if you want to, you can invite Bria back over" she added.


I wrapped my arms around Bria's waist and smiled a little, "you have fun with your dad?" She asked, I shook my head and said "nope". "Aw, why not?" "I just didn't, things were brought up... And I kind of just went off" I said, "you? Jacob Perez, going off?" She asked.

I smiled as she said "I never would've thought", I shrugged a little and nuzzled my face in the crook of her neck. "You smell good" I mumbled, she giggled and said "thank you". I suddenly thought of something, "oh, hey, I need to get a job!" I exclaimed, "what for?" Bria asked curiously.

"So I can help my mom pay the bills, we may end up moving if I don't" I answered truthfully, "well, where do you wanna work?" I shrugged and said "I don't know". "Okay, well I think Starbucks is hiring, are you good with coffee, and giving people food?" "Yeah, I guess so, I like Starbucks".
Sorry for any mistakes. I didn't proof read.

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