Chapter Seven

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::Rayan's P.O.V::

I sat in the sitting area in the front office. Chresanto sat two chairs away and Jacob was getting checked out by the nurse. He told her it wasn't that serious, and honestly I agreed with him, all he had was some bruises, a badly cut lip, and a bruised eye. Nothing too serious to be dragged into a nurse's office, but it was no use because she pulled him into her office anyway. 

I sat quietly and unbraided my hair then braided it back just cause I needed something to do. "It doesn't hurt though" I heard Jacob say, Chresanto chuckled "lyin' ass". I looked at him and rolled my eyes but I didn't say anything. I looked up and watched as Jacob walked out and sat next to me, his sleeves were up and I looked at his arms. I noticed a couple scars but I didn't ask him about them, I looked away and as I did so he pulled his sleeves down. 

"She wants to see you" Jacob suddenly stated, "who're are you talking to?" I asked "Chresanto" he answered lightly. I looked at Chresanto as he stood up and walked into the nurse's office. 

"The girls are wondering about you" I said to him quietly. "Wondering like how? I'm not crazy if that's what they're wondering". I chuckled "no, Jacob, not like that. They're wondering if you're alright, if you're okay, you know?" "Oh, well I'm okay I guess".

"I've got a question" I said as I looked at him. "Um, okay, ask away" "what did Chresanto say to you that made you punch him?" "He called me gay, I've been called gay for the longest and I'm tired of it. Have you ever been called gay before? It may sound like a simple three letter word but I'm just tired of being asked or told the same exact thing over and over again" he explained.

I'm glad I never got around to asking him about his sexuality. That could've been me getting a fist to the jaw, it really could have. "He also brought up my dad" he added quietly, "what about your dad? Where is he?" I asked.

"Not around" he answered, "he left a while ago, two years ago actually. Been in and out of contact with him" he sighed, "he left to go 'buy groceries'. That's what he said right before he left, he didn't have to lie. Could've just told us he didn't want to be there anymore... Would've understood.... I guess" he said sadly.


I walked out of the office once the last bell rang. Chresanto, Jacob, and I was held up in that office for the longest. I don't even understand why I was there, I was the one trying to get them to stop fighting. Backfired on my ass, didn't it?

"Hey" I looked up and saw Jordan, Jazmyne, and Bria. I squinted my eyes out of confusion when I noticed Bria and Jacob looking at each other, but then not looking at each other? It's hard to explain.

::Jacob's P.O.V::

Bria walked over and hugged me. Honestly I was shocked, a girl like her.... Hugging me. What was going on? First the peck on the cheek, now hugging?

Hug back

I wrapped my arms around her and hugged back. One. Two. Three. I counted in my head, I didn't want to hug her for a short period of time but then I didn't want to hug her for too long. I had to remember that Rayan aka her older brother was watching me. Four. Five. Now pull away.

In unison we both pulled away from each other. She smiled at me "would you like to come over to the house? Jazmyne and Jordan are, I didn't want you to be alone" Bria offered. I managed to nod "sure, thanks".


Right when we got to the house Bria switched into more comfortable clothing. Shorts that stopped close to mid thigh and a comfortable looking T-shirt. I watched her as she plopped down onto the couch, she sat next to Jordan.

I sat down in a chair on the other side of the room. "Where's Ray?" Jazmyne asked, "oh, he should be down soon" Bria answered. I watched as she suddenly stood to her feet and waltzed to the kitchen. "Snack anyone?" She asked, "oooh chips!" Jordan cooed as she quickly walked into the kitchen.

"Greedy ass" Jazmyne mumbled, I watched as, she too, stood and went to the kitchen. From where I was sitting I could see Bria, Jordan, and Jazmyne clearly. I mainly focused on Bria and her shorts, they were short but not like too short. Obviously they were shorts that you'd wear around the house, away from the outside world and the hormonal boys.

Speaking of hormones, I swear mine kicked in right then. I felt my pants tighten and I looked down at the bulge. I couldn't really do anything about it, considering I was in someone else's home and the girls were coming back into the room. I slumped down, hoping it wasn't noticeable and I even grabbed the red afghan and covered my lap with it. I prayed that it would go away on its own, eventually it did. 


I sat quietly and listened to Jazmyne, Jordan, and Bria talk. It kept me entertained; listening to what they had to say about people. "Jacob!" I heard Ray call, I looked towards the stairs, "come here". I pushed the afghan aside and stood up, I walked to the stairs.

I stood there for a minute before walking up them and I stopped at the top, "um.... I don't know.... Where you are" I stated. He suddenly poked his head out of a room that was all of the way down the hall, "I'm right here".

"Oh" I said as I walked to him, "you called me?" He nodded "yeah, I heard the girls down there talking and I figured you were bored, were you?" He asked. I shrugged "eh" "hm, well I'm not really doing anything up here. I've got a PlayStation and a couple of games, I don't know if you wanna play but you can if you want" I shrugged lightly "sure, why not". 


"You don't think no girl at our school is attractive?" Rayan asked, I shook my head "not really, well I mean.... They're pretty but I just don't find them attractive" I answered, "do you?" He shrugged "I think Bethany is pretty cute" I scrunched up my face.

"Bethany? Bethany Miller?" He nodded "yeah, her. You look like a rabbit when you scrunch up your face like that" he pointed out. "Sorry" I said as I stopped with the scrunching, "so you're sure you don't find anyone attractive?" He asked again. I nodded "yup".


"You big ass liar" he said with a laugh, I looked at him "you think my sister's attractive, I know you do". "Why do you assume that?" I asked curiously, I felt my cheeks begin to burn.

"Every time on the bus, you sit with her and I watch you guys. You get all happy, don't think I haven't noticed cause I have. She told me y'all hang out during you guys' free period.

"You two hugged today, yeah I know people hug but it wasn't just any hug, it was like five seconds. Yeah, I counted, don't judge. I did my observing" he explained. The burning in my cheeks intensified, I couldn't muster out anything but the word "oh".

"Yeah, you're cheeks are getting redder by the minute, reminds me of a tomato" he explained, I covered my cheeks with my hands. "I'm okay with you finding her attractive, just as long as you don't hurt her. She's my sister, the only one I've really got, you know?" He asked. I nodded, my hands were still covering my cheeks, "I won't hurt her, I promise". He smiled a little, "thanks". 
Sorry for any mistakes.

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