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"You did well. Every thing is good. Just come back In 3weeks for the first ultrasound." The Dr tells me.

I get up from the table and get dressed back into my clothing. It didn't hurt in fact I didn't feel anything at all. I don't wanna get into details about the little procedure but it went well. I just had to lay down for 30 minutes to make sure everything flowed to where it's suppose to. Ew but this babeh is gonna pay for Meh education. Lol I make myself laugh .

"Hey how did it go?" Bailey tells me. "Sorry I was late I had things to do with Rick."

"It's ok. Everything went fine we have to come back in 3 weeks for the first ultrasound."

"Oh thank god. Thanks again for everything your doing for us."

"It's a pleasure Bailey. I couldn't be happier than to complete your own family."

"How about breakfast at Denny's?"


Luke dragged me along to follow Jenna to where she had to go.
I'm supposing everything went well cause her and Bailey came out smiling.

I had to hold Luke back from jumping out the car and killing Bailey.

Boring chapter I know. Kill me.
But it'll get better I promise.

Jenna // J&L Brooks FanficWhere stories live. Discover now