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I read the text over and over again.
It couldn't be him.
I hope not.

I slid down the wall by the window and I curled into a ball.

It's him. I just know it. But how does he know I'm going on a date? Does he have my phone tapped?
Going with that I threw my phone across the room and it broke a picture I had. Glass was everywhere and before I knew it Jai was inside my bedroom.

"What happened? "
I just stayed quiet.

He took a look at phone on the ground and then at me. He sighed and went over next to me and carried me in his arms like a baby.

"Babe tell me what happened please so I could help you."

"I can't. My Dad can get hurt." I whispered

"No that's not gonna happen. I won't let it happen."

" I don't want you to get hurt either."

" No one can hurt me."

"But he can......"

" Brad."

" No he can't and he won't. I won't let anything happen to you or your Dad. "

I started to tear up at his words. They weren't a lot but to me they meant everything.

"Thank you." I hugged him tight.

I never knew what it felt like to have a boyfriend who would protect you and show you unconditional love in such little time. That was until I met Jai and I sure wasn't gonna let him go.

"We don't have to go out if you don't want to."

I didn't want Brad ruining me and my life so I went with it.

"Let's go."

He gave me a peck on the lips before going downstairs.

I took a quick shower did my whole make up- high lighting contouring the whole sha bang.
I was in my bra and underwear looking at my closet deciding what I should wear.
Everything was too small or too uncomfortable.
I looked down at my small belly which carried my teacher's baby.
" Why won't I fit in these? Don't make me more fat now."

I scrambled some more deep into my humongous closet that was stuffed with clothes.

All of a sudden I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. And by the smell of his cologne I didn't have to guess who it was.

"I came up here to see if you were done getting ready yet but damn. I'm second guessing this date."

I smiled at turned around.

"That's very cute and almost tempting," I said biting my lip and looking down at  his body," but I'm very very hungry and if I don't get something to eat now then I'm going to hurt you."

"Maybe I want you to hurt me." He said smirking followed by a wink.

I pushed him back.

" Give me your shirt."

"What?" He said surprised.

" I said give me your shirt."

He gave me his shirt which was a grey button up and I put it on. It was big on me but it looked cute. I put on some leggings and converse and looked at myself in the mirror.


"That's what you wanted my shirt for?"

"Yes now put something on and let's goooooo." I said walking out of the room .

A/N Well I was finally able to raise all my grades up to passing👏🏼  but I'll still be putting school first.

Anywayyssssss I got a new story coming up soon and and IM GETTING ICECREAM IN A BIT HOW FREAKING AWESOME IS THAT????

Jenna // J&L Brooks FanficWhere stories live. Discover now