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A/N: Hi! It's my first time posting a fanfiction here on AFF because of a friend's suggestion. I don't own any characters here though I hope I owned one, especially Changkyun. Lol. Enjoy Reading. :D

I'd like to apologize in advance for the grammar mistakes. T__T

WARNING: This story contains content not suitable for young audiences for it depicts self-harm and rape. You have been warned.

[Changkyun's POV]

"H-Hey... Baby... Shhhh... Daddy's not going to hurt you..."

"You're not my daddy..."

Stop, please...

"Shhhh... I won't hurt you... I just wanted to play a game with you... Don't tell mommy anything about this..."

"Please, don't..."

"Shhhh, shhhh... I'm not going to hurt you..."

"S-Stop, please..."


"S-Stop... S-Stop... ST--"


The loud rumbling of the thunder chimed in as I screamed my lungs out, which made my throat sore like hell. The noise I made could've waken up the whole neighborhood and would come down to us banging our door until it breaks down if it's not only for that earth-shaking thunder.

That dream again...

I sat up, trying my best to catch my breath but the more air I take in, the more it inflicted pain to my throat. I guess I was all dried up from sweating which is seemingly noticeable from the patches of soaked sweat I made on my pillow case and bed sheets. I let out a long sigh to finally calm myself. I reached out for the side table to get a towel from the drawers and wiped myself dry.

I want to forget everything...

I shifted my gaze to the wall in front of me. The flashes of lightning allowed me to read the clock hanging, it read 2:53AM. It's raining hard outside as far as I can tell from the loud clattering sound the raindrops made from my windows, which is I thought, a weird phenomenon during spring. I stepped out of the bed and dragged myself to the kitchen to get a glass of water to finally quench my thirst and go back to sleep, which I wasn't even sure if I can after that nightmare I had.

I don't want to remember any of it...

I tried going back to sleep but the weather won't let me. The roaring thunder and the hard rain made it impossible for me to find my sleep. It's been days since I had a decent sleep without screaming in the middle of the night because of that long forgotten nightmare, making its way back to me again.

That nightmare that kept me screaming and crying by myself in the middle of the night in that cold, dark room of mine for years...

That nightmare that made me elusive from my close friends, making them walk away from me instead of understanding me...

That nightmare I hated myself for being weak and letting others take advantage of me...

That nightmare that almost crushed my whole being, making me want to end myself to finally stop my suffering...

I want to forget... Everything that happened that night...

- - - - -

"Changkyun-ah! Get down here before the breakfast gets cold!"

My mother shouted from the kitchen. I was tidying up my room when she called me for breakfast. Today's my first day on my new school and I wish it won't be my last day also.

"In a minute, mom!" I shouted back.

I readied myself for school and yes, I haven't slept a wink after I woke up from that horrible nightmare last night. The dark circles below my eyes says so. I took a bath about an hour ago and wore something light to prevent myself from sweating. I cleaned my room after and there you go, my mother shouting for me to get down for breakfast.

"How's your sleep, my little prince?" my mom asked me as I sat down at the table.

She's preparing our breakfast. I can hear sizzling sound of eggs being fried and the bubbling sound of the soup being reheated from last night's dinner. The inviting smell made my belly growl.

"What sleep? I don't know that." I answered back, joking.

She turned around from the counter with plates on her both hands, facing me. The fried rolled eggs and the crab soup decorated with such elegance, thanks to the leafy vegetables she brought yesterday. My mouth watered at the sight of the food. I didn't know how hungry I was before I saw the food served by my mom.

"Are you having bad dreams again?" my mom asked as she placed the food on the table. After doing so, she set the table with plates, silver wares and two glasses of chocolate milk.

She sat in front of me, frowning, with a hint of uneasiness in her eyes. I just nodded back at her question and started eating my breakfast, taking a large scoop of fried rolled egg and rice. The taste of the food surely feels like heaven to my mouth.

"You've been having bad dreams these past few days. Are you sure you're okay? Should I get you a therapist?" she sounded worried.

I shook my head, trying my best to concentrate on eating my breakfast as she darted me with worried looks in her eyes. I don't want her to be worrying like that. It breaks my heart every time I see her getting depressed or worried because of me.

"Are you sure?" she asked one more time.

I finished everything I have on my plate and raised my head, meeting her eyes.

"Yes, mom. I'm okay. Please stop worrying." I answered confidently.

The worried look hadn't left her eyes yet so I took her free hand and held it softly. I smiled at her, letting her know that I'm really okay. She just smiled back at me and nodded before she started eating her breakfast. Knowing that she's finally at ease, I left the table and headed back to my room to get my school things. After doing so, I went back to the table once more to finish my chocolate milk drink and kissed my mom goodbye.

"Take good care of yourself, Changkyun." she reminded me.

"Yes, mom. You too." I answered back, smiling.

When I was finally at the door, something felt strange inside me. The good feeling that started earlier was replaced by anxiety and uneasiness.

"Outside this haven is a cruel world." I thought to myself.

I grabbed the knob with my shaky hand and opened the door widely. The morning spring wind sent chills to my body. I felt so brave to finally leave this house but the truth is...

... I'm scared.

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