Chapter 10: Not A Date Part 2

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Chapter 10: Not A Date Part 2

[Changkyun's POV]

"Well I was thinking of –"

"Sorry sirs. I forgot to give you these."

The waiter that served us earlier came back to our table. He placed 2 sets of utensils consisted of a spoon, fork and knife wrapped in a piece of tissue.

"Thank you." the person in front of me told the waiter before it took its leave.

"So I was saying, I was planning of having a collection of pictures taken from different places. What about you?"


"Then there you go. Our photography style."

That was fast.

"What about our concept on the photos?" I asked him while he was eating the chocolate cake.

"Anything would do." he answered after finishing the cake he took into his mouth.

After he answered that, I hesitated on continuing on our project. With the way he lacked interest for our project made me want to leave him out and continue the project myself but I can't since it was a partner work. I felt upset with the way things worked out. I just took all the upset feeling inside me and released it on the chocolate mousse he ordered.


[Wonho's POV]

"Can you come with me?"

I asked the person beside me, still in a trance about what had happened earlier.

= - =

After we ate everything I ordered, I told the waiter to give us the bill so we can finally wrap all things up. The waiter came with the bill. He was about to take his wallet out when I spoke.

"It's on me."

He insisted on paying for what he ate but I won. I paid for everything instead.

"Thank –"

He was about to say 'thank you' when I leaned closer and placed my thumb on his lips.

*tug-tug... tug-tug... tug-tug...*

I started brushing my thumb on his lips gently, wiping the chocolate that smeared above and below his lips.

*tug-tug... tug-tug... tug-tug...*

He pulled away quickly, wiping his lips with the back of his hand. His face turned red from what had happened.

*tug-tug... tug-tug... tug-tug...*

"Here's your change, sir." the waiter told me.

I sat back and readied to leave.

His lips... I want to kiss it so badly...

= - =

"Hey. Can you come with me?"

I asked again. He finally snapped out of his trance.

"W-Where?" his voice cracked before asking.

Somewhere far away... With you...

Without hesitation, I grabbed his hand and ran. We took a left turn from the coffee shop.

I wish I could do these things every day with you, holding your hand like this...

"W-Wait! Slow down!" he shouted behind.

I reduced my speed so he can catch up. I didn't look back at him. I don't want him to see the tears that streamed down my cheeks, my lips almost reaching my ears from smiling.

I'm happy.


[Changkyun's POV]

I heaved in air as much as I can as we reached to the place this guy dragged me. It was a mall. I almost coughed my lungs out, my throat was sore from being dry.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"I almost coughed my lungs out from the running we did. Yes, of course I'm okay." I hissed at him sarcastically.

He grabbed my hand again, this time I refused.

"Just go in. I'll follow you. I need some air first."

He looked a bit disappointed. After I calmed myself, I approached him. We walked inside the mall, he led the way and I followed him. The walk took us to the third floor, in front of a gadget shop.

"What are we doing here?" I asked, even though I have in mind what he is about to do.

"Do you have a camera?" he asked back.

"N-No. I don't have."

"Let's buy one."

I knew it.

"N-No! We don't have to buy! I'll just borrow my mom's camera!" I said in loud voice.

The people inside looked at me. I felt embarrassed with the scene I made. I was about to stop him when he turned around with a paper bag on his hand, the box of the newly bought camera inside. I gasped at the sight of the camera he bought. It was a model camera used by professionals.

"Why did you buy that?! It's very expensive!"

"We need one for our project." he said with a flat tone.

"We can return it, right? Where's the receipt?"

"I tore it into pieces and threw it there." he said, pointing at the trash can inside the cashier's counter.

I sighed, disappointed. I had my palm on my face. I still can't believe at his sudden move of buying an expensive camera for our project. We exited the shop and I followed him. I really don't know where we are and I just can't leave him without noticing. I might get lost.


A/N: YEY! New filler to fill the first filler. XDD I'm really sorry guys for this. I hope you don't curse me with the flow of my work. Drop some comments too. I really want to know what you think of my story. Again, expect another chapter within 24 hours. Thank you for sticking with the story. Btw, I really FANBOYED while writing this one. I received some beatings from my friend when he read the first part. I dunno if he'll do it again but I know he'll be. Anyways, enjoy. :D

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